10 Ways To Annoy People During Musicals

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Hello everyone! So, when I say musical, I mean like any theatre play. Considering you guys are readers from all over the world, I thought I'd just call it a musical.

1. Talk through the whole show.

2. Text people, and keep your phone on ringer so it makes noise.

3. 'Accidentally' start playing a game on loudspeaker.

4. Complain to the person next to about how much better your acting and singing is.

5. Say to someone, "Yeah, I was going to audition, but I walked in and they said I'd ruin the show because I'm too good, it's a shame for them honestly".

6. Hold up signs that have no relevance to the performance.

7. Come to the watch the musical as the main character.

8. Pretend to be a drama critique, and nitpick everything!

9. Sing along to all of the songs in the musical.

10. Compare the musical, to the already existing movie, book or previous play, and review it verbally during the actual musical.

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