10 Ways To Annoy Families At The Dinner Table

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Hey everyone! This is probably my longest chapter title I've ever done and I don't know why I find that so amusing. Oh well, enjoy!

1. Continously ask for things to be passed to you, even if they are right next to you.

2. When eating, pretend to be a food critique and 'judge' the food you are eating. (EX. "Hm the smell of it is quite unusal, looks undercooked and it has peas in it. I'll give you a 2/10)

3. Start talking about pimples and warts while the rest of your family is eating.

4. Talk about how loooooooonnnnnggggg and boooorrriiinnngggg your day was. (Yes, I actually do use emphasis. Incase you were wondering)

5. Sing really loudly while eating. With your mouth closed. (Just try)

6. Tell everyone you can do a magic trick and get a metal spoon and attempt to balance it on the tip of your nose. (It'll probably fall so, good luck if you get yelled at.)

7. 'Accidently' splash water on your siblings' face.

8. Bring electronics to the table. 

9. Give a speech about communicating with eachother and not using electronics and then, turn the TV on and sit on the couch.

10. Have fights with cutlery. (EX. It is I, Mr Fork, you are going down spoon...) 

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