10 Ways To Annoy Strangers

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Hello everyone, how are you going? So, ever meet a strange and feel the urge to annoy them? Well, if you're a generally annoying person, then you can definitely relate. Enjoy!

1. Death stare/ staring contest them.

2. Constantly run and back to them every few minutes asking for directions. If they say something, reply with, "Stop making fun of me, so what if I failed geography!"

3. Give them weird, uncomfortable compliments. (Ex. I like your ears)

4. If their shoe laces are untied, give them a lecture on how they could die. (Just for fun)

5. Start really generic and completly useless conversations with them. (Ex. Wonderful weather we're having today, isn't it?)

6. Secretly follow them around, be their shadow. Just don't make it stalker-ish. (DISCLAIMER: Chipster4's '1000 Ways To Annoy People' does not promote stalking in any way, please proceed with caution).

7. Walk passed them and ask them about anything random and then shout, "TWINNING!"

8. Run up to them and throw a hissy fit and scream, "WHERE IS MY MUMMY/MOMMY" (Depending on what country you live in..)

9. 'Accidentally' drop a piece of paper, and if someone offers to pick it up, quickly take it away and whisper "MY PRECIOUS HISSSSSS" and runaway.

10. Flick water on the back of their neck, while making a sneezing noise. If they turn around, quickly apologise.

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