10 Ways To Annoy Your Siblings

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Helllllllllllo Everybody, I'd just like to thank you for all of your support and for the good comments and all the votes. I just wanted to let you know that for all those directioners wanting to annoy non-directioners there will be a chapter coming up soon :) Here is 10 ways to annoy your siblings for now.

1.Follow them around and stare at them for a hole day, this can also mean to copy their every action

2.Sing the same song everywhere e.g (dinner table,toilet,shower)

3.When their talking to you, ignore them like their not even their. Espically when they ask you things.

4.Imediatley fall to the ground and start crying, then scream "Mum!! they pushed me on the ground"

5.Hide their things in places they would never look, if they ask you where it is say "mabye the tooth fairy took it"

6.When their friends are over pour water over their bed and write a little note saying this, "Dear mummy I accidently wet my bed can you please change the sheets <3 love you xoxo" their friends will flip cracking up.

7.Wear a t-shirt that says "I'm with stupid" and points to them with and arrow

8.Scribble on there homework and say you didn't have a colouring book so you used there homeowork instead. then say "you should be thanking me i did all the work"

9.Pelt them with anything and everything e.g (jellybeans,peanuts,bananas,underwear) 

10.When in public yell, "eww gross your my brother? how are we related?"

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