10 Ways To Annoy People At Sport Stadiums

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Hey everyone, what's shaking? Anyway, so I thought about this one for a while but I was originally going to do ways to annoy people at Church. After realising I may have been disrespectful to certain religions, I decided to go with this one! Enjoy.

1. Commentate everything you do from the moment you enter.

2. Constantly get up from your seat to walk around, so that you get in people's way.

3. Ask people for spare change and say, "I just wanna a hotdog, okay? Think about the children!".

4. 'Accidently' spill your drinks on other people and say, "Oops!". 

5. If you catch a ball from the game, scream really loud and say, "HA! SUCK IT LOSERS! YOU AIN'T GOT NO SKILL!".

6. Go to a game but pay no attention whatsoever.

7. Take videos and pictures so you block the view of others.

8. Talk to random strangers next to you, if they talk back say, "Shh that's rude, don't be rude Mr Rudeypants."

9. Call out random people's names, if someone turns around just hide. (Do this several times)

10. Everytime someone does something, scream "WOO HOO! GOOD ON YOU MATE!"

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