10 Ways To Annoy People On Road Trips

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Hello,Hello, and welcome to the umm.... the umm.. well I was going to say show but.. that would've been stupid. Anyway enjoy this update.

1.Constatly ask the question, "Are we there yet?" (This is classic annoying material)

2.Sing long songs, (e.g the 100 bottles of milk on the wall song, I actually have finished the song once... and they said it wasn't possible.)

3.Start a "choir" and sing along to all the songs on the radio (It'll be worse if your horrible)

4.Punch a person everytime you see a different colour car, if they say your playing the game wrong, say  "NO! I'm just getting my colours mixed up!"

5.Eat and Drink, don't offer anyone else any of it, and chew and swallow really loud.

6.Sleep during the trip and snore really loud.

7.If your on a bus and they put a movie on spoil the movie for everyone.

8.Film they trip and pretend your on an adventure and act like everyone around you is aliens.

9.If another person is sleeping with headphones on turn their volume up to full blast.

10.Take photos of everyone every few minutes without them noticing.

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