10 Ways To Annoy People Through Messages

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Hi Hi Hi!!!! heres 10 ways to annoy people through messages :) I hope you guys/girls lol are enjoying this book :)

1.After they txt a reallly long message say, "K"

2.Txt somone at three in the morning and ask them if there awake

3.Spam them with a msg every 5 seconds, e.g (Hey,Hey,Cheese,Cheese,Salsa,Sandwich,Onion,Pickles,Pillow) 

4.Start an emoji fight with them

5.On chatting apps make your username this, "(Insert username) is typing..........  e.g(spongebob is typing......) (( Yes I talk to spongebob)) 

6.Tell your friend you have to go but still stay online :P

7.When someone txts you say, "I've lost my phone ill txt you when i find it" THERE MINDS WILL BLOW! (not literally)

8.If someone asks you if they can call you say yes, dont pick it up and if they say "why din't you pick it up?" say "I never said i was going to anwser"

9.Type proper grammer and correct your friends everytime they spell something wrong

10.Txt your friends when your right next to them (soooooo annoying) 

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