10 Ways To Annoy People In Physical Ed

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Hey everyone! Here's 10 Ways To Annoy People in sports lessons/ gym class/ physical education. Whatever floats your boat.

1. Make up stupid excuses on why you can't participate. (E.X "Sorry miss, I have to breathe instead.")

2. Go all ninja on everyone and take everything really seriously.

3. Take a white flag to class, if playing a team sport. Walk in the middle of the court and wave the flag while saying, "I SURRENDER!".

4. The whole time, run around like some crazy lunatic.

5. Be the party pooper, who always asks their teacher to do health instead of sport.

6. Be the athlete freak, who always asks their teacher to do sport instead of health. (Woah! Wizardry!)

7. Go ask to get a drink. Two minutes later, do the exact same thing. If they question you, say, "Do you want me to die? Is that what you want!"

8. Squeeze water down the shirts of your friends and say, "Well, you needed to cool off" (Ha! Get it? Cool off? Oh, that was beautiful!)

9. Constantly talk to your friends instead of doing sport. If you get told off, say "We're educating ourselves in health studies.. pfftt duh!".

10. Give your teacher a card that reads, 'Get out of sport free card'. Which lets you get out of any sport lesson of your choice. If they don't accept it, start crying.

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