10 Ways To Annoy People on Snapchat

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Hello everybody! Welcome to this weeks update. A bit late I know but I have an excuse. Actually, I don't have an excuse I was just really busy. To make it up to you, I have a very special upate for you next week that I'm sure is going to be just what you guys need. For now though, here is how to annoy people on snapchat.

1. Screenshot everysingle picture that you recieve.

2. Mass snap your friends anything that you can see. (Mass snaping is when you constantly snap people.)

3. Send your photos for the longest period of time. (I think its 10 seconds if I'm not wrong.)

4. Put everysingle picture on your story. 

5. Send videos to people and don't say anything in the video. (Write a message that says, "OMG")

6. Send chain letters through your photos in small sections so that they get picture after picture after picture.

7. Send photos of EVERYTHING! (cats, windows, tiles, doorknobs and obviously, cheese.)

8. Treat snapchat like vine. (I'm sure you all know what vine is.)

9. When you get snaps from friends, open the snap but don't send another one back after a long time. (a month or so maybe.)

10. Draw over pictures of your friends and send it to them and say, "Dude, major improvement." 

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