10 Ways To Annoy Librarians

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Hey guys, I told you i'd be updating more regularly :). I just want to thank everyone for all the nice comments they write and suggestions for what I should write next, don't worry I'll talk about you when I'm famous :D. But for now here's 10 ways to annoy librarians

1.Borrow books and never return them

2.When the librarian says something say, "Shh Its a library"

3.Get everyone in the library to do the harlem shake

4.If your asked for a library card drop your book and say, "You'll never take me alive!"

5.When they ask you where your card is say, "A book took it"

6.Ask them if they have comics, (THEY WILL FLIP)

7.Immate your libarian when they talk to you e.g "Hello" "Hello" "Your book is overdue" "Your book is overdue"

8.Check your instagram/facebook on library computers

9.Tell the librarian that you want to borrow a book called "the book", say the authors name is "Iam an Iddyot' (I'm an idiot) (Hopefully they say it slowly)

10.Eat and drink in the library.. if you eat crunch really loud if you drink slurp really loud... (Its not that hard :P) 

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