10 Ways To Annoy People In Elevators

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Ello Agian This Is 10 ways to annoy people in elevators. :D :D :D :D: D: D :D :D: D MWHAA *evil smirck*

1.If there is music playing in the elevator, start dancing to it and say "Man this song is my jam"

2.Go in and press all of the buttons and say sorry my hands slipped.

3.When the doors close say , your probably wondering why I gatherd you here today.

4.Whisper to someone, If the elevator stops your gonna die.

5.Pretend you have an imaginary friend and start having awkward conversations with it. (e.g omg that guy smelt like cheese.)

6.Read the newspaper out loud and mis-pronounce simple words.

7.Call out group out and enforce it by grabbing peoples shoulders. 

8.Whenever someone steps in the elevator in a deep voice say, "GET OUT!"

9.Drop and pen & wait until someone goes to pick it up and then scream "NOOO THAT'S MINE!"

10.When the elevator doors close start to panick and scream Were going down Were going down!

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