10 Ways To Annoy People At Movies

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Hello Hello and welcome to the book. HAHA not funny, anway here is 10 ways to annoy public people

1.Sing along to the songs in the background

2.Fangirl over really famous actors, e.g (OMG!!! Its Channing Tatum!!!!!)

3.Talk through all the intersting bits

4.Throw popcorn at peoples heads just for the fun of it 

5.Predict out load whats gonna happened in a horror movie

6.Keep walking in and out of the theatre 

7.Quote lines from the trailers. 

8.Film the whole movie and get in the way of people's view

9.Put your feet up on the seats in front of you.

10.After the movie say "Yeah  I'm clapping becasue its over!"

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