10 Ways To Annoy Substitute Teachers

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Hi everyone.My new goal for each week is to have a new chapter updated so you guys can keep reading.I hope you're liking the updates so far. Here's 10 ways to annoy subs.

1.When you want to do something and they question it say,"Our normal teacher always let's us do this."

2.Over-complicate every question you want to ask.

3.Swap names with a different person every few minutes.

4.Play deaf and dumb.(This one is quite common,just make them repeat everything they say and pretend that you don't understand.)

5.Smile alot!. (It's creepy..)

6.Don't respond to anything they say.If they call you out,reply with,"My parents told me not to talk to strangers.)

7.When they say their name reply with,"Prove it."

8.Ask for help.If they say,"sorry I don't teach this subject I'm just filling in." reply with,"YOU'RE A SPY! AHHHHHH!"

9.When they call on you say,"I forgot." (Repeat this every now and then.)

10.Accuse them of lying everytime they try to say something.

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