10 Ways To Annoy People Who Don't Like You

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Hey everyone! Okay, so do you know someone who REALLY doesn't like you? Someone, who you possibly don't like either? Well, here's how to annoy them!

1. Anytime you make eye contact with them, give them the 'nicest' smile.

2. 'Accidentally' run into them, on purpose. (HEHE)

3. Pretend you've never met them before in your life.

4. Always play really sad music whenever they walk into the same room as you.

5. Give them the weirdest, most uncomfortable glares ever!

6. When you walk around and you're smiling, as soon as you seem them, frown. (Look at them of course... *creating awkward mood*)

7. Give them a "Go Away" coupon, and tell them to leave.

8. Follow them around all day and do everything that they don't like.

9. Always refer to them with special names, that are related to problems you've had with them. (Do this when they're around)

10. Give them a "Nobody likes you" card. (Especially for them)

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