10 Ways To Annoy People In Locker Rooms

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So it's Saturday.Although,Friday's are update days if you haven't noticed in the past weeks.I had this suggstion come in from a few people so here you go.(If you have a suggestion feel free to inbox me)

1.Push through everybody and make a truck noise."BEEP,BEEP,BEEP,BEEP" (Continuesly)

2.Switch up everybody's locks with other peoples.

3.If people locks are un locked.Lock the locks backwards and write a note inside the locker saying,"Lock your lock next time :)".

4.Take a really long time at your locker.

5.Hide other people's belongings in another person's locker. (If this doesn't make sense,I'm trying to say put Amy's phone in like her crushes locker or something.)

6.Jam people's lockers.(I wonder how many people are going to do this one wrong.)

7.Spray deoderant everywhere!LITERALLY EVERYWHERE!.(Make sure no-one's asthmatic.You don't want people having attacks now.)

8.Everytime you leave your locker scream,"I survived World War III".(every single time)

9.Fill up a locker with a bunch of stuff so that when they open it,everything falls out.(E.G Balls,Bottles,Paper,etc..)

10.If you have top locker,lean over the person under you and sometimes trip over them on purpose.

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