10 Ways To Annoy People At Supermarkets

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*drum roll* Hello, hello and welcome to this weeks update! *appluse*. Was that introduction better than last week? Comment below. Anyway, here is this weeks update.

1. Have trolley races with strangers. (For those of you who don't call it a trolley, it's they wheely cart thingy.)

2. Commintate people as they are shopping. (E.G Look here it's Bob, what's he picking up? He has milk, he picks up the milk, oh it's in the basket! The milk is in the basket!.)

3. Pick up a bunch of stuff and put it inside your basket. Later, take it out and put it back in random places.

4. Be very picky when picking the fruits and vegetables in that section. Comment things as you go. (E.G Oh that banana, hm I guess it's not in season. What a shame!)

5. Have a conversation with the self-checkout machines.

6. Start talking to the things you buy. 

7. Call everything Fred. As you walk pass everyone, constantly say Fred.

8. Pretend you are on Masterchef and pretend to be one of the contestants on the show.

9. 'Accidently' drop everything on the floor and start crying.

10. Take really long when you're checking out. After you do checkout, come back in and do it again. (Do this constantly.)

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