10 Ways To Annoy Annoying People - (50th Chapter Edition)

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Hello everyone and welcome to the 50th chapter special! The 50th chapter will be based on, that's right, you guessed it. How to annoy annoying people! This has been suggested for a long period of time and I figured that it should be the 50th chapter so, enjoy! 

1. Invade their personal space. (This honestly is the most irritating thing I have ever witnessed.)

2. Don't talk to them when they're saying things to you. After five minutes say, "Sometimes, my imaginary friend gets jealous when I talk to people." (Repeat this an ample amount of times.)

3. Constantly poke them in the arm and ask, "Is this annoying you?".

4. Pretend that you are deaf and purposely speak loud only when you are near them.

5. Answer every question they ask you with another question. (EX; Them: Hey, how are you today?" You: How are you today?")

6. Constantly call them. If they pick it up, don't say a word, just breathe really heavily. If it goes to voicemail, do the same thing.

7. Find what really gets on their nerves and improvise songs about those things while singing them.

8. Wear 3D glasses and pretend that you can see everything in 3D. 

9. Be their shadow. (Don't take it too far though, like don't follow them in the toilet and stuff.)

10. Don't use proper punctuation when speaking or messeging them. 

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