10 Ways To Annoy People With Glasses

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Hello! It is March. Wow! That was quick. It's the third month. Um, I don't know why I'm so fascinated by that. What are you looking forward to this month? Comment below and let me know. Here's the new chapter! 

1. Hide them in places they weill never look.

2. 'Accidently' pretend you broke them. (Only if you enjoy death of course).

3. Make the lens all smudged and dirty, so that they can't see.

4. Put other items in their glasses case so that when they open it, they are confused.

5. Constantly ask to try them on. 

6. Put their glasses on and become scared because you think you've gone blind.

7. Replace their glasses with sunglasses and tell them they look 'shady'. (Tsk tsk, see what I did there?)

8. Put their glasses on and pretend like you've transformed into them. 

9. Put on their glasses and sing, "A whole new world".

10. 'Accidently' smear sticky substances all over their glasses. 

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