10 Ways To Annoy Bandwagoners

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Hi readers. So, exams have finished and I can officialy say, that I'm so happy. Anyway, enough about my life. So, for all of those people who've read this chapter title and gone, "What is a bandwagoner". Basically, it's like for example, liking a sports team only because they're winning or liking a band, because everyone else likes it. Hope you enjoy!

1. Ask them questions about the members in a band or a team.

2. Ask them what they think about a particular person in a fandom.

3. Constantly make references around them and watch them getting confused.

4. Always talk about merchendise when you're with them.

5. Show them pictures or videos of what they bandwagon and just watch their reaction. (This is honsetly so priceless).

6. If it's a band, make up a song and ask them if they've listened to it. If they lie and say yes, see how far they go to make themselves sound like they're telling the truth.

7. Whenever they're around, make sure it's the only thing you talk about.

8. Offer them to come to concerts or expos with you and see them reject your offer. (Excuses, excuses, excuses).

9. Get someone else to join you, and get really excited about something "new" that's happened and watch them get really confused.

10. Ask them to sing a verse or a chorus and say you'll sing it with them. When you're about to sing, make sure you don't sing and that it's only them. (Usually, they won't know the words).

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