10 Ways To Annoy Twelvies

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Hey everyone! Ugh so twelvies have taken over the world and I figured, why not annoy them? So here's how to enjoy twelvies. 

1. Out twelvie them. (Survival of the twelve year olds)

2. Every time they walk into the room, use a tumble quote on them.

3. Call them lame hipster names.

4. Pelt them with twelvie objects like bracelets, anklets, silly hairbands. 

5. Sing disney songs whenever they are near you. 

6. ALWAYS call them a twelve year old even if they aren't. (Oh you rebels)

7. Only speak in abbreviations when you talk to them.

8. When they walk in the room, run to the corner and scream, "I'm not catching your disease!" 

9. Dumb down your words when you speak to them and say, "I'm afraid I don't understand your child's speak."

10. Feed them BABY FOOD! (Because why not?!?!) 

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