10 Ways To Annoy Pets

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Hi guys, sorry I haven't been updating lately, I've been really busy. I will start to update more regualarly :) For now, here's 10 ways to annoy pets ...

1.Tell them to play dead and leave them like that and walk away, if they follow you say, "Oh im sorry, I didn't know dead things walk!"

2.Pretend to eat its treats, e.g (Who wants a biscut? thats right you do!, but your not getting it mwahah) (A bit mean but some people find it funny?)

3.Give it healthy food and say, "I'm sorry but Its time you started eating better"

4.Run away from your pet and come back 2mins later and say, "See! you don't like beeing runned away from!"

5.When it "does its buisness" throw toilet paper at it and say, "You don't need the potty toilet anymore,do it yourself"

6.Reply back what ever noise it makes to you, e.g (Dog "WOOF" You, "WOOF WOOF")

7.Pretend to sleep where it sleeps

8.When its sleeping, jump on it (not literelly) and say, "Wake up wake up Im trying to disturb you in you precious sleeping time" (exactly what pets do!)

9.Hide food on their backs or tails and watch them chase it for the next 5 minutes

10.Pat them backwards *mindblown*

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