10 Ways To Annoy Vegetarians

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Hey everyone! So, I've been thinking, as a vegetarian, what kind of things annoy me the most? Hmm, so I sat and thought long and hard about how to annoy vegetarians so enjoy!

1. Ask them the dumbest questions like, "But can you eat chicken though?"

2. Offer them 'animal' crackers and then take back what you said and apologise a thousand times.

3. Ask them about vegetarian meat.

4. Give them a "technically you kill plants when you eat them" speech.

5. Treat them like a vegan.

6. Convince them you'll try going vegetarian as well and immediately give up.

7. Be EXTRA cautious about what they eat specifically.

8. Ask them why they are vegetarian, and when you find out, treat them like a different person. (As a joke of course.)

9. Ask them if they can still have water. 

10. Anytime they eat something, make animal noises. (SO ANNOYING!)

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