10 Ways To Annoy Mature People

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Hello everybody! Long time, no read aye? Hope you're well, and if you're not. Here's a brand new chapter to cheer you up. Hoep you enjoy ways to annoy mature people!

1. When around them, act as if you have no manners at all.

2. Act like a child and throw tantrums and hissy fits costantly.

3. Treat them like elderly people. 

4. If they do activites, (such as message people on their phones), take their phone away and say, "Oh no, you're far too old to be doing that!".

5. When they're around, constantly make jokes about getting older and growing up.

6. Comment on everything they do and out-mature them.

7. If they insult you, start crying because they used 'big words'.

8. Steal one of their most valuable things and if they yell at you, say, "Now, that's not a mature way of handling the situation".

9. Everytime they act like they're mature, ask them to define maturity. 

10. When they around, be the MOST immature person they'll ever meet. (If you try hard enough, sometimes they break).

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