10 Ways To Annoy Santa

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Hello everybody! Wow! Currently for me, today, there's only eleven more days until Christmas day! So, I figured, why not annoy the one who supposedly gives us presents. "Santa". Now, I don't want to ruin the secret for anyone so, for this chapter, I'm going to refer to "Santa" with inverted commas. 

1. Leave "Santa" carrots and apple juice, instead of cookies and milk.

2. Everytime your parents mention Christmas and "Santa" comes up in the conversation, immediately give your parents a death stare.

3. If you do something bad and your parents mention "Santa". Say, "Well Santa is violating the breaking in and entering code of our privacy when he comes in to our house." (Say this constantly)

4. Give "Santa" a very, very, very LONG list of what you would like for Christmas.

5. Hide the presents that "Santa" was suppose to give to you, and watch "Santa" try to freak out to find them.

6. Ask your parents, what time "Santa" is coming to give out the presents. (cough cough, obvious one)

7. Put out a plate and cover it with a dish. So when "Santa" opens it, it'll make a loud noise. Then you can go see "him".

8. Give "Santa" the present that you wanted. (Reverse psychology)

9. Ask your parents where "Santa" parks his sleigh. (Keep asking them questions like this, it really annoys them)

10. Put embarrasing photos of "Santa" around the Christmas tree and say, "It's good luck". (Your choice on how embarrasing the photos are)

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