10 Ways To Annoy People In Summer

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Hello everyone! Again, sorry for the delay. Lots of celebrations! Wow! Can you believe it's already 2015? Happy belated new years by the way! Enjoy :) 

1. Wear clothes fit for the winter season and complain about how cold it is. (This is honestly the stupidest thing ever).

2. Anytime your parents go shopping for food, say, "Remember to get ice-cream or else we'll all die because of how hot it is."

3. If your parents make you go to the beach, and you don't want to, say, "I will not enter an area where semi-nudity is tolerated". (After you do this, storm off).

4. If your parents are going somewhere and it's very hot, remind them about sun safety and lecture them for a good 5 minutes.

5. If your going on a long car ride to anywhere, constantly complain that it's too hot in the car and that if the cooling isn't on, you are going to sweat to death.

6. Nag your family and convince them to go to a waterpark every single day that it's hot. 

7. If you are forced to go outside, take one step out the door and come back inside and say you've gotten sunstroke. 

8. If you go to get a slurpee for instance, and the machiene is broken, have a hissy fit and cry. (This tends to happen quite a lot on hot summer days, so don't say I didn't warn you).

9. Surround yourself with things that make you cool, anywhere you go. (This includes, minifans, paperfans etc. This gets you so many weird looks but hey, haters gonna hate).

10. If you to the beach or a pool, dip your towel in the water and put it around your head. Do this every few minutes. (Not only does this cool you down, it also gives you weird looks). 

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