10 Ways To Annoy People Who Believe In Urban Legends

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Okay, okay, okay, before I start, I'm seriously so sorry for not updating in like a century. I've been really busy lately and this long weekend we have right now is the only time I've got to sit down and write this. By the way, hope you enjoy. (For those of you who don't know, an urban legend is like 'Charliecharlie')

1. Take it way to seriously and act like you've been possessed.

2. Over exaggerate how terrified you are of urban legends.

3. Make up a new one and get a friend to tag along with you, to make it as believable as possible.

4. If you're doing 'Charliecharlie' for example, directly blow on the pencil and scream "IT MOVED I TELL YOU! IT MOVED! AHHHH!".

5. If someone is doing an urban legend, jump in the middle of it and scream "BOO IMMA KILL YOU".

6. Whisper their name really quitley and then scream it. Do this while they're all quiet so that they think it's the 'urban legend' taking to them. (Pfft kids these days)

7. Cover yourself with tomato sauce (AKA. Blood) and scream "AHHHH I'M DYING HELP!!!!"

8. Refer to urban legends like your best friends, and how they are never going to kill you because you asked politely.

9. Record them doing the urban legend and the stop recording. A few minutes later say, "Ahh look the camera turned off because it's haunted oooo". (Some get this, some don't)

10. Call their phone when they're trying to do an urban legend, and hang up when they go to pick up. (Do this constantly)

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