10 Ways To Annoy Little Kids

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Hey everyone, I got this suggested from a few people. So I hope you like it. (By the way this is roughly ages 3-7). Remember, I make a new update every Friday so make sure to comment below and suggest any topics and they might be the ones you read next week! :) 

1.Sing their favorite songs off-key. (Let it go is a popular one.)

2.Depending on their age, constantly correct their pronounciations. 

3.At mcdonalds, order a happy meal for yourself and ask them what they would like.

4.When they're watching cartoons, change the channel and say, "Oh no! this is far too inappropriate for you."

5.Act like an annoying little kid. If they ask why, respond by say, "I'm interpreting you silly!".

6.'Play' with their toys and hide them everywhere.

7.Push all their flat lego pieces tightly. (This is hilarious!)

8.Eat all their cookies and say, "The cookie monster ate them.". (Do this frequently.)

9.If they have devices such as IPADS. Change/make a lock on them and change the lock every once in a while.

10.Imitate characters from shows they watch. 

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