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"We're really, really close! Just a little farther!" I tell James excitedly.

"I'm tired!" He whines.

"You can do it James! I believe in you!"

"So... much... farther..."

I turn toward him so I'm walking backwards in front of him.

"James! James! James!" I chant, encouraging him to keep going.

"Not... gonna... make... it..." He says slowly, pretending like he'll fall over any second.

"Yeah you will!" I laugh a little and turn back around.

"See, look it's right over -" I stop in mid sentence and my feet freeze to the ground, unable to move.

In the far distance, I see a girl sitting on the railing of the bridge looking down.

"You okay?" James asks, stopping next to me.

I point over at the bridge unable to speak. He follows to where my finger is pointing and let's out a small gasp.

We're both frozen for a moment as we stare at the girl. She suddenly becomes very familiar. Is that...

"Holy fucking shit. Is that Amelia?!" James blurts out, finishing my thought.

I don't even answer. Instead I take off running, James follows right behind me. We're still pretty far away from the bridge.

I pick up my pace, running as fast as I possibly can. Out of no where, a boy runs behind Amelia. As soon as she lets go of the railing, he reaches out to grab her arm, but she's still not visible.

I keep running, praying he still has hold of her.

When we're almost at the bridge, the boy is helping her back over the railing and I feel a wave of relief wash over me. I swear I'm going to kill her myself when I get to her. I already feel tears escaping from my eyes. Why would she do this?


• Amelia •

I'm not falling.

I feel someone holding onto my arm. I open my eyes and look up. There's a boy who I've never seen before in my life holding onto my arm, keeping me from falling. He has black hair, light green eyes, and he's obviously very strong.

"Let go of me you douche!" I yell at him.

He ignores my request and pulls me back up as I try to put up a fight. He doesn't let go and I give up as he helps me back over the railing. Once I'm over, he still keeps hold of my arm as if he doesn't trust that I won't jump back over. Smart boy.

We just stand and stare at each other. He's wearing a white shirt, jeans, and is a little taller than me - maybe 5'6 ish. He's got a nice tan and looks like he's around 16. I'll admit he's kind of cute.

He opens his mouth to speak but he's cut off before he can say anything.

"AMELIA!" I hear Maya scream my name.

I rip my arm out of his grip and break our strong eye contact as Maya reaches me. She throws her arms around me, holding me tight. I stand there, not hugging her back. How the hell did she even know I was going to be here?

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" She begins to cry, still holding onto me tight.

"I was doing what's best for all of us!" I yell, struggling to get out of her arms.

She squeezes me tighter, making it harder to escape.

"No. No you weren't. You were about to hurt us, not help us." She whispers through her tears.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now