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* 2 weeks later *

I wake up feeling nauseas. I ignore it for a moment, but then end up jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I get down on the floor and grab hold of the toilet, throwing up everything in my stomach.

This continues for a few minutes until I hear a light knock on the door.

"Ari? It's Jai, can I come in?" He asks.

"I'm fi-" Before I can finish, I grab hold of the toilet and throw up more, hurting my back and throat.

Jai opens the door and gets on the floor next to me, rubbing my back.

"Jai I said I'm fi-" Nope, that's a terrible lie, I think to myself as I wrap my arms around the toilet as tightly as I can.

"It's okay love. I'm here. Don't worry." He says, rubbing my back more.

After another five minutes of throwing up every organ in my body, Jai helps me stand up.

"Ari, what's wrong? I've seen you sick, but never this sick." He says, concerned.

"It's probably just a virus. I mean we have had very little sleep lately." I remind him.

We've been up with Maya and Amelia at least 3 times a night for the past two weeks due to nightmares. So to say the least - we are extremely sleep deprived. The girls spent the night with the boys last night. They're still asleep there now because the boys insisted Jai and I get some rest and promised to take care of the girls when they wake up.

"Alright..." Jai says, a little unsure.

"Would you like to go back to sleep?" He asks me.

"I'm starving." I tell him, dead serious.

He looks at me shocked.

"Well you can't go eat a shit load of food or else that's gonna happen again." He points to the bathroom, chuckling a little.

"But Jai!" I beg, my stomach clawing at itself.

He sighs and hesitates for a moment.

"Fine. But don't expect anything fancy. We're keeping it simple." He tells me, taking my hand and leading me downstairs.

He makes me a slice of toast and hands it to me. I look at him, then the toast in my hand, and then back at him. I raise my eyebrow.

"Toast? Thanks chief Jai. Please let me know when your cook book comes out." I say sarcastically, demolishing the dry toast in 3 bites.

"I feel like you shouldn't have eaten it that fast..." He says, looking worried.

"No, no, I'm fine." I assure him.

* 5 minutes later *

"You're most definitely not fine." Jai says, rubbing my back as I hold onto the toilet, continuing to throw up.

"You've eaten one piece of toast. How much can you possibly throw up after one piece of toast?" He asks.

I pull away from the toilet.

"I-I don't know... but it hurts! I hate throwing up. How do you do this for Dare Sundays? I could never." I tell him.

"I know. It hurts like a bitch. But our fans love it and we want to make them happy." He smiles and I smile back weakly.

"I think I'm okay now." I tell him.

"Are you sure." He asks nervously.

"Positive." I assure him, feeling better.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now