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• Amelia •

"I'm thirsty I'm going to get water." Ariana says.

"I'll come" says Alexa.

"You girls want anything?" Ariana asks us.

"No thanks." We reply.

"Alright." Ariana says as her and Alexa leave the room.

I look up at Maya. "hi." I say.

"Sup." She replies doing the 'head thing.'

"Stuff." I say, burying myself into her.

She pulls me close. This is nice... feeling loved... I slowly begin to fall asleep, but then I hear Ariana and Alexa come back in the room. I untangle myself out of Maya's arms and sit next to her.

Ariana and Alexa take a seat. I'm about to speak when the boys come running into the room.

"WE'RE FINISHED!" Luke sings loudly.

He runs over to me and falls onto my lap.

"Off!" I say, pushing him off of me.

He lands on the floor.

"Hey no fair!" He pouts.

"Um yes fair! Your big butt almost killed me!" I defend.

He stands up and turns his back towards me, putting his hand on his ass.

"Mmm girl you know I have a sexy ass."

"Yeah okay."

He turns around and sticks his tongue out at me. Then he sits down on the other side of the couch.

"Well now that the show is over..." Jai says, laughing a little.

"Jones, Scott, Brian, Tracy, Isaac, Tyler, Liz (Gillies), Matt (Bennett), and Nash are all coming over around 6 tonight." Beau tells us.

"Yay!" Ariana says.

"Okay so I'll order pizza?" Beau asks.

"And salad for my lady." Jai adds on, winking at Ariana.

"And salad for Jai's lady." Beau repeats in a mocking way.

We laugh and everyone agrees.

The boys all leave the room, going into the kitchen to do God knows what.

"So should we make you a Twitter?" Ariana asks me.

I think for a moment. Am I ready for this? All the hate... the lies... the rumors...

"Sure..." I agree.

"Phone please." I hand her my phone.

She downloads the Twitter app and creates an account for me. She comes up with the password because she wants to "monitor my account."

I roll my eyes when she says that.

"Hey watch those eyes they might roll right out of your head." She says trying to be sassy.

"You've got a little sass on your lip there mom." I say. She looks up at me confused for a moment probably because I don't call her mom much at all.

"Cute." She says in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"I know." I reply and blow her a kiss.

"Alright here you go." She says, handing me back my phone.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now