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"So can I tell you what really happened between Nash and Amelia?" I ask Maya.

She looks sad.

"Sure.." She whispers.

"Let's sit down... this might take a while..."

We sit down on her bed.

"Well, I'll start with the good news. Amelia wasn't cheating on you." I tell her.

"Really?" She asks, slightly shocked.

"Really. Nash... well he um... he brought her upstairs and started... doing things to her..." I tell her, feeling tears in my eyes.

"He... he did? Is she okay? Ariana please tell me she's okay. Oh God, what've I done? I ran out of the room without even letting her explain herself. I'm such a terrible person. I should've stayed. I should've let her explain. I should've been there for her. But I wasn't. I ran out instead. I'm so stupid. Oh Ariana, please tell me she doesn't hate me. What've I done? I've ruined everything. Oh God." She begins to cry.

I pull her into my arms.

"Shh. She doesn't hate you Maya. She thinks that you hate her. It's going to be okay. I promise you. The boys are going to take care of Nash. They have a plan. Breathe love, it's okay."

"No. No it's not. He hurt her. God knows what he did. She could be pregnant for all we know!" She stutters through tears.

"She's not pregnant baby. They didn't have sex. It's not considered a rape. It's considered sexual harassment. And he's going to get into big trouble for it."

"He deserves so much more than trouble. He's the reason I thought Amelia was cheating on me. Now everything is ruined. She hates me now. Oh God, I know she hates me."

"Amelia's not mad at you Maya. She doesn't hate you. I promise, you just need to go to her. You need to come back and be there for her. She's not mad at you and she doesn't hate you."

I let her go out of my arms.

"Please Maya, come back with me. Please. Everything will be taken care of. You need to go to her." I beg.

She wipes away her tears.

"Okay." She whispers.

"Let's go." I say, standing up.

She gets up and we're about to leave her room when suddenly, there's a loud slam.

I jump and Maya flinches.

"What was th-" I'm cut off by a loud voice.

"MAYA! YOU BETTER GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" The female voice yells.

"Maya..." I whisper.

She quickly pulls me back into the room and locks the door.

I hear foot steps coming.

"Get under the bed! Go hurry!" Maya whisper yells, motioning me to go under.

I quickly get down on the floor and slide under the small bed. Then Maya sits down on top of the bed.

Perfect timing because the minute she gets on the bed, the door burst open, breaking the lock.

"MAYA!" The female voice yells.

"Um... h-hi mom..." Maya stutters.

Oh shit... her mom is home...

"OH DONT YOU 'hi mom' ME! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" She screams.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now