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We're all talking about what we're going to say to Jasmine. Obviously we're going to talk to her about the bullying and effects it has and what she's done to Amelia and all that, but we're organizing our thoughts.

Suddenly there's a girls voice screaming.

"Hunter put me down! Put me down! Let go of me! Hunter I swear if you don't put me down!"

We all turn around and see Hunter with a girl thrown over his shoulder kicking her legs in the air, trying to get down and Amelia walking in front of them. We all look at each other, trying not to laugh at the sight.

They reach us and Amelia comes and stands right next to me.

Hunter sets the girl down. She has long brown wavy hair and hazel eyes. She tries to run back towards the building, but Hunter stops her.

"Nope you're staying right here." He says, turning her around to face us and holding onto her so she can't get away.

She looks at each of us, as if she can't believe Amelia had us all come here. Little does she know, it wasn't Amelia's idea.

"What do you people want?" She asks, anger and sass filling her voice.

"We're here to have a talk with you." I tell her in a serious tone.

She looks at me as if I'm ridiculous, as if it's all one big joke.

"About what?" She asks, doing a terrible job at 'playing innocent.'

"Jasmine it is never, never okay to bully someone. Every person in this world deserves to love themselves and accept themselves and be happy with who they are, but with people like you bringing others down, it's not possible. It makes it harder for the person you're picking on to accept themselves. This world needs a little more compassion and love and you're doing the complete opposite." I tell her.

"Everyone deserves to feel like they have a purpose to be on earth. No one is better than someone else. That's not how it works. Everyone's perfect in their own way, flaws and all. As Ariana said, with people like you bringing others down, it's harder for them to see that they are perfect the way they are." Luke adds.

"Hurting someone in any way, shape, or form is just plain cruel. It is getting you no where and it is definitely not getting the other person anywhere. The only thing it's doing is making them sink." Skip says.

"Have you ever thought about what they might be going through already? The things they've already experienced? How your words and actions could make it all worse?" James asks.

"Have you ever thought about how much words in general have an impact on a person? One simply word can scar a person. One simple word can bring it them crashing down. One simple word can possibly change their life, the way they think, the way they see themselves." Beau says.

"And have you ever thought about the things they might do?" Jai growls, anger in his voice and tears filling in his eyes.

"Have you ever thought about the fact your actions and your words can lead someone to self harming? That they can lead to eating disorders. That they can lead to thoughts and attempts of suicide." Jai says, raising his voice with every word, especially the last part.

I feel my heart break a little and tears trying to fill my eyes because of how completely true everything he said is. I blink them back as best I can.

"Jai, calm down." I hear Luke whisper to him.

"No! Why should I calm down when she's the one who hurt my daughter!" He yells.

I grab his hand and he shuts up. I feel his tenseness go down a bit.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now