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I send out a quick tweet.

Hi babies. I've missed you all so fucking much! I have my memory back! I'll be back on later to talk to you and tell you guys some big news! But right now, it's time to catch up with my family. I love you, I do!

After I tweet, I lead the way back to the den. The pups follow with us.

This time, Maya and Amelia sit on the couch and Alexa and I sit on the chairs. Amelia lays out across the couch on her back, using Maya's thigh as a pillow. I notice Maya beginning to play with Amelia's hair. I smile. They're literally the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"So besides Maya and Amelia, what else have I missed?" I ask Alexa.

"Not much. Jai never left your side, the boys and I all came to visit as much as possible, Amelia was gone the whole time and is officially recovered... that's about it." She tells me.

"Amelia I'm so proud of you! And Maya I'm so proud of you too! Sorry if I freaked you out when I already knew your name... I heard Jai say your name when he talked to you on the phone every day and I just assumed you were the Maya he was talking to." I tell her.

"It's okay. It's so cool to be in the same room as you. You've helped me so much just like you have for Amelia. I can't thank you enough." Maya says.

"I'm so proud of you both. I may have helped you a little bit, but you two are the ones who had the courage to fully recover by yourselves." I tell them.

"Thanks Ari. I love you." Amelia says.

"I love you too, both of you."

A smile appears on both their faces.

"So can we hear the story about how you two met?" I ask.

"Yeah. You wanna tell it?" Maya asks looking down at Amelia.

"Sure." Amelia says.

Amelia closes her eyes as if picturing everything that happened in her head.

"So it all started on day one. I wanted to kill everyone. A little bit after I got there, I had to go to group counseling. Oh how fun that was [sarcasm]. This became an every day thing too so that just made everything even better [sarcasm]. Anyways, besides me there were 5 other girls. But at first, only 4 showed up. So our counselor Riley decided to just start because the other girl was gonna be late. We all sat around the table and all the chairs were taken up besides one next to me. I figured that the last girl would have to sit there. So when Riley started talking, I zoned out and just focused on the door because I wanted to know who the late girl was. Finally the last girl came and I remember thinking she was really pretty. She sat next to me and we had to tell everyone about ourselves and our life and stuff. I found out the girls name is Maya and that she comes from a bad home."

I interrupt Amelia before she can continue.

"A bad home? What do you mean a bad home?" I ask, looking at Maya.

"Umm... nothing, nothing." Maya stutters, trying to bullshit me.

"Maya I wasn't born yesterday." I say.

She sighs.

"I just don't have a good home life." She mumbles. "But don't worry about it. It's fine." She adds on.

"No Maya. No it's not fine. Jai and I are always here for you if you need to talk or wanna stay the night. Whatever you need, Jai and I are always here okay?"

"Okay... thank you..."

"Of course love."

"Anyways, Maya started a conversation with me and usually when people start a conversation with me, they lose interest and walk away or stop talking. But Maya... she kept the conversation going... from there, we just clicked. We went to the art room every day and I learned that Maya is a really talented artist. She painted me a few pictures. They're in Beau's car."

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now