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• Ariana •

Jai grabs his keys and we run to the car.

He begins driving and we sit in silence for a few minutes.

My whole body is shaking uncontrollably from head to toe. Tears are slipping from my eyes and my breathing is shaky. I feel dizzy and my heart is racing so fast it hurts to take in air.

"Breathe Ariana. It'll be okay. They're going to be fine. Just breathe." Jai says calmly.

"W-what if they're n-not? W-what if they're h-hurt?" I stutter like crazy.

"They won't be baby. Just breathe."

I slowly take in deep breaths.

"Good. Keep breathing we're almost there." He tells me, which is a lie because Nash lives 20 minutes from here and we've been in the car for only 5 minutes.

I ignore his lie and keep taking deep breaths.

He takes out his phone and dials a number, putting the phone to his ear.

"Luke. You and the boys meet me at Nash's. Hurry." He says and then hangs up the phone.


• Amelia •

"Put me down you idiot!" I scream at the taller boy as he picks me up out of the car.

"Hush!" He growls, setting me back down on the drive way, but keeps a tight grip on my left wrist.

The shorter boy hops out of the car and gets out Maya.

"Hey now, I know I'm a queen but you don't have to carry me!" Maya says, as the shorter boy lifts her up out of the car.

I let out a small laugh and the taller boy pinches me, making me shut up.

"Oh please. Don't flatter yourself." The shorter boy says to Maya, setting her down, but still keeping hold of her bad wrist.

"It's not flattering myself if it's true." Maya sasses.

The shorter boy opens his mouth to argue, but the taller boy cuts him off.

"Let's just bring them inside before someone sees us." He growls, obviously annoyed with their bickering.

"Whatever." The shorter boy mumbles.

The driver pulls out and drives away as they drag Maya and I inside.


• Maya •

These morons drag us inside and lock the door behind us.

"You're not leaving." Says the shorter boy.

"Well why else would you lock the door dumbass? You don't have to narrate the obvious." I say, rolling my eyes.

He slaps me hard across the face.

I stand shocked as Amelia goes crazy, trying to get out of the taller boys grip.

"YOU BETTER RUN YOU LITTLE SON OF A BITCH! DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HER OR-" She's cut off when the taller boy puts his hand over her mouth.

"Hush!" He growls into her ear.

She continues to fight back, trying to escape his grip. I hear her wince. He must've pinched her or something.

"What the fuck?! Of course you do that now that we're inside. You're too much of a pussy to do it outside where people can see you!" I yell at the shorter boy.

"If you don't shut the hell up I'll do more than slap you!" He threatens.

The boys pulls Amelia and I to a flight of stairs leading to the basement.

The taller boy still has his hand over Amelia's mouth and I can hear her muffled screams as they drag us downstairs. I chose that it's better to keep my mouth shut.

Once we get down, we're both slammed up hard against the brick wall. I hit my head and hear it crack against the wall. Chills run through my body and I feel dizzy for a few seconds. I quickly lift my hand that he's not gripping and rub my head, trying to make the pain go away.

What are they going to do to us?



20 minutes later, we pull up at Nash's house.

I turn off the car and turn to Ariana.

"Are you sure you want to come in? You can sit in the car if you want. I don't want you to end up passing out." I say.

"I'll make it. I need to find my babies." She whispers through a shaky breath.

I get out of the car and open Ariana's door. I hold out my hand to help her out, hoping she's not going to faint or fall over because of how bad her anxiety attack is.

She puts her shaky hand in mine and stands up. I shut her door for her.

Her breathing is short and shaky, and there are tears in her eyes. I squeeze her hand tight, letting her know it's okay. She looks down at the ground as we walk up the driveway.

Once we reach the front door, I look in the flower pot and find the extra key that Nash showed me a few months ago.

I hold it up and show Ariana.

"See? They're gonna be fine babe." I tell her.

She nods weakly and I put the key in the door and twist it open.

I feel Ariana shaking harder.

"Ariana listen to me. They're okay." I assure her calmly.

We walk in and I quietly shut the door behind us.

"Breathe." I whisper to her.

She inhales a big shaky breath and then exhales.

We walk through the house and I'm still holding Ariana's shaking hand.

"Jai, it hurts to breathe." She whispers, clutching her chest a little.

"It's okay baby. I'm right here." I whisper as I lead her through the house, listening for anything that could lead us to where they are.

I lead Ariana up the stairs to look, but by the time we get to the top, she's desperately gasping for air.

"Ariana, breathe. Please breathe. It's not time to worry." I whisper.

She nods her head, still trying to breathe in and out. Once she manages to get enough air in her lungs, we look in the rooms upstairs.


We're heading back down the stairs when suddenly, I hear Maya.

"Let go of me you fucking cunt!" She screams.

"The basement." I whisper to Ariana.

I lead her down the rest of the stairs and to the main floor. Then I go to the basement door. I put my hand on the door nob and slowly twist it, trying not to make a noise.

It's locked.

"Fuck." I whisper, Ariana's hand shaking in mine.

"Step back a few feet." I tell her, letting go of her shaking hand.

She nods and steps back.

I begin bashing the wood door until it breaks.

"What the fuck?!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

"Who the fuck is in the house?!" Another familiar voice growls.

Once the door is down, which only takes a few seconds, I grab Ariana's hand and quickly lead her down the stairs.

What I see is not pretty.

A/N hey lovelies! Don't worry, you're only going to be hanging for an hour, maybe not even. I already have the next chapter written out(: that's why it took me so long to update because I didn't wanna post this and leave you hanging for like a week. Also I kinda got stuck on where to go with it. Anyways, I'm going to start another adopted by Ariana book and it's going to be called "How To Save A Life" so hopefully you'll check it out and enjoy it. Next update in about an hour. Hopefully you like this ~ Jess(:

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