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• Ariana •

I look around the corner to the staircase, making sure Jai and Amelia are all the way upstairs. They are.

I walk over to the table and sit next to Alexa.

"Isn't she just the sweetest?" I ask.

"Yes!" Alexa agrees.

"Well I'm so happy you like her and she seems to like you too. I just don't know what to do for her... Alexa I can't let her suffer like this. She's such a beautiful girl and she shouldn't be doing this to herself. I understand it's an addiction and I understand we just can't tell her to stop because that gets her no where. She can't just stop. It's an addiction. I just..." I trail off and tears began to brim my eyes.

"I just want her to be okay Alexa. I don't want my daughter to have an eat disorder her whole life. They're so hard to quit and recover from." I say as a tear slips from my eye.

Alexa wipes away the tear that slipped from my eye and then takes my hand.

"Ariana. It's okay. She's going to be okay. You might have to get her into a treatment center when you get back to LA, but right now just know that she's going to be okay." Alexa assures me.

"I'm so attached to her already. I couldn't imagine anything happening to my baby." I sniffle.

"She's gonna be okay. I promise." She assures me.

"Okay." I say, rubbing my eyes a little.

A moment of silence passes by and then a thought hits me. How long has it been since she's eaten? Oh God.

"Alexa? How long do you think it's been since she's eaten and how the hell am I suppose to get her to eat tonight?" I ask, feeling a wave of anxiety come over me.

My breaths began to get heavy and my body begins to shake. Shit. I'm going into a panic attack.

"Ari breathe. Breathe. Deep breaths." She says calmly.

She's my only friend who has seen me go into a panic attack and she's the only one who knows how to calm me down when I'm in one.

"Inhale. Exhale." She keeps repeating and I do as she says.

It takes me about 5 minutes to calm down.

"It's okay. She's going to eat tonight. Once she comes back down, you can talk to her alone in private." She tells me.

"What if she says no?" I ask her.

"You can't take no for an answer. You have to convince her." She tells me.

"Okay. You're right. I've got this." I say.

"And also tonight we've gotta keep an eye on her. Don't let her go to the bathroom after she eats. She might purge." Alexa says.

Shit. I never thought about that. I didn't wanna think about that. Tears brimmed my eyes again. Why did this all start? If I ever meet the person who put her down so much to bring her to this point, they'll wake up in the hospital because no one should have ever treated my baby girl like that.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll both keep an eye on her and I'll make sure Jai does too. I'll tell him when you're talking to her." She tells me and I nod my head okay.

"Get ready" Alexa whispers when we hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Okay" I whisper back.

I'm ready.

I can do this.


• Amelia •

The house is huge! Well maybe not to Ariana and Jai but to me it is. I can't wait to see the one in LA.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now