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"But before we get you ready to go, I need to speak with Mr. Brooks in the hall." Britney says, looking at me.

"Sure." I smile, standing up.

"I'll be right back." I tell Maya, following Britney out the door, closing it behind me.

Ariana's waiting outside the door.

"Hey love." I smile, putting my arm around her.

"Hi." She says.

"Okay, so I need to talk to you guys about two things. First off, the police. Do you think it would it be better for them to come here and talk with the girls or would it be better for them to do this at home? Which do you think the girls will feel more comfortable with?" She asks us.

I look at Ariana, deciding to let her answer.

"Probably here. I think the paparazzi's will get way less information and be able to make up way less stories than they'd be able to if they came to our house." She says.

"Yeah, here is probably better." I agree.

"Alright, I'll let them know."

"Okay, what's next?" I ask.

"Next, I need to talk to you guys about pain killers."

I see Ariana's eyes widen, making me confused.


• Ariana •

"Next, I need to talk to you guys about pain killers." Britney tells us.

My eyes widen.

"Um... yes what about them?" I ask, nervously.

"We gave them a very small amount through their IV's last night which is what put them to sleep. It's required that you take a bottle home for each of them. You don't need to give it to them, it's just incase."

I feel a lump in my throat. The last thing I need is Amelia getting her hands on a bottle of pain killers.

Jai looks down at me.

"You okay babe?" He asks worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell him.

"So we'll give you the bottles before you go." She says.

I nod and Jai does too.

"Alright, now I'm going to go call the officers and have them come up here. I'll come to the girls rooms when they arrive." She smiles.

"Thanks." Jai says as she walks away.

He looks at me.

"Ari? Are you sure you're okay? You look kind of pale..." He says nervously.

"Yes Jai. I'm fine. I swear." I lie.

"Um..alright.." He says unsure. "Do you wanna switch rooms for a bit? I think I need to talk to Amelia..." He says, sounding a bit sad.

"Okay. I'll go back with Maya." I say, beginning to walk past him.

He unexpectedly grabs my waist, spins me around, kisses me on the lips for a few seconds, and then pulls away.

"Okay, now you may go." He smiles and I laugh a little.

"Love you." I say, walking back to Maya's room.

"Love you too." He says, going to Amelia's room.

"Hi Maya." I say, walking into her room and taking a seat next to her bed.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now