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Riley and I talk for a little longer.

I tell her more about Ariana and Jai and Frankie and Alexa and the boys.

"Wow, they sound like amazing people. It's so good that they support you about recovering." She says.

"Yeah... well it wasn't even my idea to recover. It was Ariana's idea. She wanted to help me herself. But Dr. Jones wouldn't let her. And then after Dr. Jones told Ariana she couldn't, Ariana went into a panic attack or something and walked out. I tried to follow her but Dr. Jones wouldn't let me. A while later, Ariana and Jai both came back. Then Dr. Jones told me that I'd have to go the next day and Ariana was strong about it and agreed even though she wanted to help me herself. And then after that, I went home with Jai and Ariana went by herself in her car. Then, when we got home, Ariana wasn't home yet. I was mad so I went to my room. Then Jai came to get me and we had to go to the hospital because Ariana got in an accident. It was probably my fault too. She was probably upset over the fact that I had to go away. It's probably all my fault. And now I'm here trying to get better for her and if she doesn't wake up, she'll never even know." I say, a few tears slipping from my eyes.

"She will wake up Amelia. She will." She assures me.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"So are you ready to meet the rest of our group? The other girls don't know each other yet either." She tells me.

That makes me feel a little better knowing that we're all new here.

"I mean I don't really have a choice, so yeah I'm ready." I tell her.

Riley picks up the phone next to her and calls a few different numbers. Not long later, 4 girls show up.

"Come on in girls, take a seat." Riley says.

The girls come in and sit around the table. There's only 4? I thought there were suppose to be 5? Everyone takes a seat and the seat to my right is the only chair that is empty.

"It looks like we're missing someone. We'll start and she'll be here soon." Riley says, taking her seat.

She begins going over everything that is going to be happening within the next 30 days.

I begin to zone out and focus on the door. I really wanna know who the last girl is.

Riley continues to talk until she's interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." She says.

The door opens and a girl walks in. She looks about my age, a little taller than me, long wavy dirty blond hair and blue eyes. She's actually quite stunning even in the ugly blue hospital clothes they're making us wear.

"Uhh... hey I'm Maya." The girl says.

"Hi Maya, come take a seat." Riley tells her.

I'm happy because the only open seat is next to me and I can already Maya and I are gonna be friends.

Maya walks over and takes the empty seat next to me.

"Okay, since we're all new and you guys don't know each other, we're gonna go around and I want you to say your name and talk about yourself. Would anyone like to start?" Riley asks.

"I'll start." Maya says willingly.

She didn't seem scared or nervous or shy or anything... I wish I could be like her...

"Alright, the floor is yours Maya." Riley says.

"Okay. My name is Maya. I grew up in a broken family. I never knew my dad and my mom always works. She's not home much at all and when she is, she's sleeping. I got bullied at school all the time before I came here. I've been anorexic for about 2 years now and I decided that I want to learn to love myself. I want to be an inspiration to others." Maya tells us.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now