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A/N Maya has already been awake before. This isn't the first time she's woken up.

I open my eyes, completely forgetting that I'm in the hospital. I panic for a moment but then realize that Jai is next to me as he has been since we arrived and Ariana has been with Amelia.

Jai opens his eyes.

"Oh you're awake. Good morning love. How'd you sleep?" He asks me.

"Morning? Damn how long was I sleeping?"

He checks his phone.

"Well, right now it's 10am and you crashed at around 8pm after they gave you some medicine... so a very long time." He chuckles.

"Wow... I slept good."

"Good. Once Amelia w-"

"Oh my God Amelia! Jai has she woken up?! Oh my God!" I try to get out of the hospital bed, causing myself a lot of pain.

Jai stands up and stops me.

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down Maya." He says.

I lay back down knowing I'm not going very far with him there.

"She woke up a few minutes after you fell asleep, talked to Ariana for a while, and then went back to sleep after they gave her some medicine. Once she wakes up from her sleep, the nurse will check on her and then on you and see if you're ready to go home, which you most likely will be." He tells me.

"She woke up?! And she's okay right?! Right?! She didn't lose her memory like Ariana right?!" I ask nervously.

"No love. She's fine. She has her memory."

"Thank God!"

"Wanna go down and get something to eat?"

"Hospital food? Come on Jai, let's be real." I laugh a little and so does he.

"Yeah. You're right. Wanna come check on Ari and Amelia with me?"

"Yes please!"

He smiles and slowly helps me out of the hospital bed. It takes a few minutes since I'm still hurting all over.

"You okay?" He asks once I'm up.

"Yeah I'm good." I say and he lets go of my arm that he was holding to help me up.

"Good." He says, leading me out of the room.

We slowly walk down the hall.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah, but can I hold onto your arm?" I ask, feeling like I might fall over.

"Sure." He says, looping his arm in mine.

"Thanks." I smile weakly.

"Of course."

We reach Amelia's room which is all the way at the end of the hall.

Jai lightly knocks on the door.

"Come in." Ariana says softly.

Jai opens the door and we step in.

"Good morning babe." Jai says quietly, leading me over to the seat next to Ariana.

"Good morning." She replies.

He kisses Ariana's forehead making her smile as I take a seat next to her and lean my head on her shoulder. She doesn't mind.

"How're you feeling Maya?" She asks me.

"Weak and sore. But I'll make it." I tell her, looking at the hospital bed where Amelia is still asleep.

"You'll feel better soon. Healing takes time, but you'll be okay." She tells me, gently putting her arm around me.

Amelia turns over to face us and she opens her eyes a little.

"Hi baby." Ariana whispers.

"Hi." She mumbles back, shutting her eyes again.

A few seconds later she opens her eyes all the way and sees me.

"Maya!" She says excitedly.

I smile, feeling happy that she was excited to see me.

"Ow, ouch, shit." She mumbles, trying to sit up quickly.

"Careful love." Ariana says nervously as Jai helps her sit up.

"Thanks Jai." She says.

"Course love." He smiles.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Amelia says, turning her attention back to me.

I see Jai and Ari smiling at each other.

"I'm happy too see you too! I'm so happy you're okay!"

I'm tempted to give her a hug, but I don't want to hurt her or myself.

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ariana calls.

The door opens and it's the nurse - the nice one thank God. Her name is Britney.

You see, when you're in a hospital, you always take note of the nice nurse and the mean nurse.

"Good morning. How are we today?" Britney asks, smiling.

"Good." We answer.

"Good. Maya, I'm going to have to have you go back to your room so I can get you all check up in there as soon as I'm done with Amelia." She tells me.

"Okay, see you guys in a little bit." I say.

"Okay!" Ariana and Amelia say.

I loop my arm back in Jai's and he walks me back down the hall to my room. He helps me back in the hospital bed and then takes a seat next to me.

"I'm really happy you're both okay. I can't imagine losing either of you and I know Ariana can't imagine losing either of you. Life would be so much harder for both of us. I don't think you girls know how much you mean to us. Amelia has become our everything and you're basically part of our family now. Like a second daughter." He smiles, making me feel loved.

"Don't worry sir, I'm not that easy to get rid of!"

He laughs a little and so do I.

"Good, because then I'd have no one to call me sir."

There's a small knock on the open door.

"Just me." Britney says, walking over.

She does all her 'nurse stuff' and writes some things down.

"Alright, I think that both you and Amelia are both ready to go home." She smiles.

"Yes!" I smile, making Britney and Jai laugh.

"But before we get you ready to go, I need to speak with Mr. Brooks in the hall." Britney says, looking at Jai.

"Sure." Jai smiles, standing up.

"I'll be right back." He says to me, leaving the room.

I nod, feeling a bit nervous.

Why does she want to talk to Jai?

Did she find out more information?

Is there something else wrong with Amelia?

Is there something else wrong with me?

I lay in the hospital bed, closing my eyes trying to push out the millions of questions my brain won't stop coming up with.

A/N wow it's 1:55am and I'm really tired but I started this in school and I thought 'hey why not finish it?' So here I am at 1:50am uploading it lol. Anyways, it's officially winter break! And I have no life so I'll probably be updating more! Yay! I can't wait for Christmas! I think my mom got me and my best friend tickets to see Ariana on the honeymoon tour and I'm so excited :) I'll update soon. ~ Jess xx

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now