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I hear the sound of faint sirens far off in the distance.

I look up into Ariana's sad big brown eyes that are filled with tears.

I need to ask one more thing of her.

"A-Ariana..." I whisper softly.

"Yes baby?" She whispers back through a shaky breath.

One of her tears lands on my arm.

I feel my heart breaking.

This is all my fault.

I shouldn't have went with Nash. Then we wouldn't be here.

I feel very dizzy and my eyes are heavier than ever.

I take in one last breath, making it the biggest breath I can manage.

"P-please... d-don't... s-save... m-me..." I whisper, as I feel the rest of my voice fade out.

I hear Ariana sobbing harder.

I try to move my lips to tell her it's okay, to tell her that everything will be fine, to tell her that she'll forget me soon and she won't need to be bothered anymore. But as hard as I try to move my lips and get words out, I can't get my body to do it.

I know shutting my eyes is the right thing to do.

For the sake of everyone.

My heavy eyelids close slowly, I have no control anymore.

The last thing I hear is Ariana's sob.



Seconds later, I see a bright shining light.

I start to follow it very slowly.

I keep going and eventually, it feels like I've been following it forever.

I'm almost at the end of the light, when suddenly, it disappears.

My ears start ringing as my hearing slowly comes back to place.

I feel my sense of touch come back.

Someone's shaky hand is holding mine tightly and something placed over my face.

"Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia." I hear a faint familiar voice begging over and over through shaky breaths and tears.

"Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia." I continue to hear, as the ringing dies down and my hearing becomes completely normal again.

"Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia."


I slowly peek open my eyes a little as the light of the room flows into sight, making me squeeze them back shut.

"Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia. Please wake up Amelia."

I peek my eyes back open again and see Ariana. Her eyes are closed as tears slip from them and slide down her cheeks.

I slowly lift my free arm, my muscles aching and feeling almost abnormal being able to move them. I touch face to see what's there.

It's a breathing mask that lies over my mouth and nose.

They fucking saved me. I think to myself angrily.

I feel a tear slip from my eye.

They weren't suppose to save me.

A New Beginning (Adopted by Ariana Grande and Jai Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now