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• Ariana •

"It's...it's positive" I say, looking down at the stick that I'm holding in my shaking hand.

I look up at the mirror and see Jai's reflection standing farther back behind me. He doesn't say anything, he just stares off into space.

"J-Jai... please say something..." I stutter nervously with tears in my eyes, still looking at him through the reflection of the mirror.

A few moments later, I see a smile slowly crosses his face.

"This...this is great!" He says happily.

He comes up behind me and puts his hands around my waist as we look into the mirror that's in front of us.

His right hand slides to the middle of the stomach as we stand there smiling.

"Ari...we're going to be parents of our own baby..." He whispers excitedly.

That's when everything wraps itself together and hits me.

I'm going to be a mom to my own child.

"We're going to parents of our own baby..." I repeat, whispering as an even bigger wave of happiness rush over me.

We stand in front of the mirror for a few more minutes before Jai speaks again.

"I guess it's a new beginning for everyone... we adopted Amelia... we saved Maya... and now, we're going to have our own baby." He smiles.

"I guess it is..." I whisper, feeling happier than I ever have in a long time.

A/N GUYS ITS DONE MY FIRST BOOK IS COMPLETE!! Okay so I have so much I want to say this is so important so please read it. You babes are everything and more. I never (underline never) thought that this book would get so many reads. Not in a million years. I started this book in the summer of 2014 because I was depressed and going through some stuff and trying to find myself so I thought "hey, why not try writing something that relates to the things I'm going through with putting a little twist on it?" I thought that this was just going to be me writing out my feelings and things I would say and things that are/were happening in my life through a characters point of view but it turned out to be so much more than that. Thank you guys for all of your lovely comments and for telling me how good my writing is because I think that writing is the one thing that I'm good at and when you loved tell me I'm good at it, my heart gets all warm and it makes me feel like I can do something right. So thank you babies. Thank you for reading and voting and commenting and waiting such long times for my updates and for all of the love and I promise you, this isn't the end of my writing. I've still got my other books to finish and maybe even more after that. Well now that this note is extremely long, I done here. Maybe a sequel... but nothing for sure. I love you (times a million) ❤️ p.s. Epilogue will be up in a second ❤️

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