(1) First Encounter... of everything?

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As I was on my way the Reef through the wrap tunnel, my HUD raised a alert of something hit the ship, making it slightly off course. Now that was something amazing, shocking and many things since nothing can enter one's wrap tunnel except his/her jumpship.

As soon as I exit the wrap tunnel I knew that it is not my world, because of a debris belt surrounding the earth. As everyone who trapped in a unknown place would do I scanned my surrounding, and see a big yellow dot [UNKNOWN].

As I get close to the dot, which yutrns out to be a vessel, a transmission reached my ship: "This is Archangel to the unidentified ship, respond and identify yourself." "This is Leo-1, the pilot of the ship, believe me or not, I am lost in this universe and I need a stop." "Please wait here for a moment."

As I wait for their further respond, I secretly hacked into their database to get a update on my surrounding... a fucked up universe this is. A fight between Argumented human (Coordinators) and those who aren't (Naturals). I update my database with a new category called "Cosmic Era", their calendar system.

While doing so, I receive a new transmission from Archangel: "This is Lieutenant Murrur Ramius, captain of the Archangel, you can dock in one of out docks." "Leo-1 here, much appreciated."

Scanner showed several armed soldiers, as expected. Nearly every military willl be super cautious if they see strange things. As soon as I "dock" they start yelling things like "get out with your hands up". As long as my regeneration is on, I don't care haha, so I comply.

Coming out with my armor is a bad idea, considering the fact they aim their guns on me , eyes on their sights. So I decided to take off my helmet, and show them my robotic head. Ah, more shockings. "Anyways, thanks for letting me sticking with you guys, else I might get lost in this god damn place."

3 officer looking person greeted me, and intrudoce to me as the captains of the ship, and a ace of their Earth Federation. "I am Leonardo Shen, desigination Leo-1. Technically speaking I am just a human mind in a combat type robot."

They then took me to a meeting room instead of a interrogation room and astart asking all sortsy of questions, of course, everytime they try to ask me about certain things I always reply with "Classified." This world is in a mess and I absolutely do not want to bring our weapons and gears into this mess.

The ship retrieved civilians that escaped a destroyed space colony through pods, and so I have to stay at my ship. Fine by me. This world has "Mobile Suits", manned big humanoid robots for combat, widely used by ZAFT, enemies of the Feds. I may not approve of the massive racism and etc but I have to defend myself. So locking myself in my ship can let me do some programming around, see if there's anything I can do to have the ship get adapted with the MS.

Sometimes later, I was contacted by the CIC, requesting my first flight with the ship, about gather needy resourses from part of the debris belt, with dead bodies floating here and there. They send newbies for the supposingly easy flight and want me to go with them in "person", instead of being seperated by a screen. As I accept the request , I turned on the engine of the jumpship and begin to re-establish my helmet's HUD.

///Connection with Jumpship... [ESTABLISHED]
///Jumpship System Check... [COMPLETED]
///Combat HUD Disable... [COMPLETED]
///Jumpship HUD Enable... [COMPELTED]
///Armament Check... [IN PROGRESS]
//////105mm Arc Cannon... [CHECK]
//////20mm Arc Repeter... [CHECK]
///Armament Check... [COMPLETED]
///Finalization... [COMPLETED]

(This but without the "score" bar at top left corner, plus changes at the bottom right corner and the indicator in the bottom , accordingly to the armament and the jumpship)

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(This but without the "score" bar at top left corner, plus changes at the bottom right corner and the indicator in the bottom , accordingly to the armament and the jumpship)

As I was given the green light for launch, I respond with: "Leo-1 to bridge, take off!" and go full throttle. The Debrid belt is a bit close as it only takes us 5 minutes along the way.

Once we reached a certain part of the belt, I turned on my radar to active mode and a medium range scan. And to see a bit too much dead bodies and a large PLANT (Coordinator's Nation) Contient/Satellite.

Things cleared up as a kid muttered the word "Junius-7", took me some time to process as it hit me: the tragic death of 24 thousands civvies, and what I assume is what lead to the escalation of the war.

As we stopped by and check of water, I went off alone to look for resourses, indeed we found resources and such, but we are not happy about it, especially when there's dead bodies here and there, meaning we may or may not make ourselves look like as if we are trying to rip then from the deads.

We are all called back to the ship for further discussion, precisely at the bridge. As the argued about taking stuff there, I decided to say something: "Kid, as the LT said, we don't get happy from taking stuff from the deads civvies, especially because of what happened there, I don't want to be a bad guy but we has to live for the sake for others, those who are dead, those who we cared, those we swore to protect. I understand that you just get dragged into this mess, but this is war, sometimes we are forced to take choices between two bad scenarios."

They then decided to make small paper flowers and let them flow theough the spaces, to remember the deads. As they flow through the barren colony, I present myself in a moment of silence.

As the "op" is going on, me and Kira soptted a civilian ship and a long-range recon GINN, in comparison the the hesitant boy, I approached the MS, targeting it limbs, and fired several 40mm arc rounds, with a 105mm explode right in front of it, the limbless MS was disabled from the electric shock. As we continuted to check around, another neutral dot caught my attention: a one-man escape pod.

After a brief discussion and the scanning shows a girl and a ball-shaped robot, we decided to take to back to Archangel. As the mechanics are braking the number locks, I overheard from LTJG Bagiruel that kiddo somehow has a interest of retrieving pods, that explaisn the refugees, somehow.

As the lock has been breaked, the round pink robot poped out of the pod first, then a teenager girl follow after, she look surprised to see the Alliance patch: "Oh, I thought this is ZAFT's vessel?" Oh boy, my processtor running and my conclusion is that she is somewhat realted to the Junius-7 inceident, which just so happened nearly 1 years ago.

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