V2 - (5) Exodus

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Out of kindness I sent a message on how the Orb reps are pushing Cagalli hard, and have them be aware of the possible worst case scenario. After I get back I was suprised to see Andrew, Murrue, and Mu. "Hey there, I thought you lots are busy with Minerva?" "Picking out pace after realizing a possible outcome will have you do that. Well, Kira isn't lying when he said we'd be suprised." "damn right he was. So, how's that?" I spreaded my arms a bit. And Mu is the first one to comment: "Well, it does looks better than before." "Thanks, Captain Obvious, as if I wasn't come as a robot-skeleton thing." "I am being honest." "(Chuckles* I know, I was just joking." 

"Apparently the rest of the Archangel crew are dispatched to morgenroete, serve the Orb Military with a slight demotion, or work on something else?" "Yeah, but if we ever called 'em back, msot of the gang will respond." "Good to hear." Seeing the moon on the sky Mu and Murrue decided to went back to their bedroom, before hearing my small tease of their relationship.

As for Andrew, he just watch the news in silence, "No offense," I poped up a important question. "but when do you think Cagalli will be unable to withstand the preassures?" "Knowing her, it should be around these days." "I have already called Minerva about the situation, but we have to ring em again before they can trap them." "Agreed." As the room turned into silence.

The next day, we decided that the time has come, and we send a message to Minerva, with my secured frequency with minerva. "Minerva, this is Leonardo, don't wanted to sound bad but it's really a matter of time until she gives up, with the time of the descending operation closing in, I strongly advise you lots leave before the alliance treaty is set, and don't forget to wait for me, I'll be there in a hour, I had someone head for PLANT and wanted to do something stupid." "This is Captain Gladys, we understand the situation, we are going out at morning, dont miss the time, Mr. Shen." "Over and out." I looked back at Andrew and Aisha, his lover, and shrugged. "And now... we wait. I have to ensure the safety of all of you before I left. You guys made Lil' Pink as a small radar? I can help on that."

It doesn't take me much time to upgrade it's detection radius, and I head for Minerva, not before gather at many data as I can get from Orb Military. "My apologizes to have you pick me up at times like these, but you have to understand that I cannot let "Alex" to go off himself, his safety was entrused from Representative Athha herself. Actually she insisted that she wished to met you before the departure." "I understand, you will be considered as a neutral and unstable personnel aboard." "Thanks."

The ZAFT Red trio met me at the hallway. "Leonardo! But why are you here?" "I made promise with the Representative to look after Athrun. Couldn't let him go out alone every time. Fun fact: He tried to self-destruct his Justice at the core of Genesis before I pushed my Mobile Suit and another's into the core." Seems they doesn't know about this eh?

The next morning, Minerva departures, but there is a Alliance fleet spread out when we are nearly away from the Orb border. To make things worse, Orb navy also spread right behind us. Some god damn deja vu here. "Condition Red-" "FUCK!" I slamed my fist into the wall of the waiting room, the trio jumped. "Orb is pressing Cagalli to sign a treaty with the Alliance, she is barely holding herself, so technically this is unauthorized." I briefed with the fellow pilots as we get into the elevator to the hangar.

Captain Gladys made her announcement about the trapped situation we are having right now, despite my briefing, Lunamaria and Shinn still show a face of unbelievable. "The best I can do is to disable the Orb units, but the Alliance, no mercy will be given to them. Good luck, this will be a bad fight as the Captain said." The trio nod in understanding.

ZAKUs will provide supports on the deck while Shinn and I will go out and open fire on them. This is the first time I saw formations of Alliance current mass-produced MS Dagger L w/ Boosters. Nevertheless, it really depends on the skills on the pilots. I spend a hell lot of times dealing with masses of hostiles, with different ablities each, and this is certainly not the first time I put myself against a horde of Mobile Suits.

As we get in range I open fire with my railgun and my rifle before they scattered, effectively getting 5 Dagger Ls, I then switched to my sword and my sidearm. Unlike their everyday MS, my HUD will show a laser with special frequency emitted from my guns, allowing me to fire without a sharp aim. We coundn't actually deal with all of them at once, so of course there are a couple of Dagger Ls fly towards Minerva, but thet's when Lunamaria and Rey do their jobs: To shoot every Dagger Ls off the skies.

Getting flooded and with my sword isn't really a good idea, now that come to think of it, I pulled out my other pistol to replace my sword and have my CIWS and railgun to Leonardo's assist, while I focus on the Dagger Ls with my pistols. Sometimes you should be really good to know that you have helping hands to deal with masses.

It seems like an endless waves, so I request a , which I will go through the waves, and fire upon the Alliance ships. Granted, I turned back into my jumpship mode and went full speed towards the ships. To avoid most of the gunshots, I stay very close to the sea levels, despite the ability to go underwater, and moving left and right to dodge all possible shots.

As I got close, I saw the hatch of a main Battleship being opened, and a weird looking MA appeared on the deck. It turned towards me, tilted, and activated a barrier. Without hestiation I fired shots towards it but it sort of absorbed my shots. I turned into my MS mode and fired a couple of rifle rounds but it still absorbed the rounds, the thing then charge towards me with its claws deployed, to which I responded with me drawing my blades and charge towards it too, all while having Leonardo analyze the weird MA. 

As we conducted a couple more air jousting, Leonardo finished it's analysis on the MA, it is protected by a Positrion reflector mounted at the top, which explains the tilt when I shot it. the claw seems to be able to produce high heats, perfect. I had ran tests on the MS near the sun so it's good to go.

This time when it tried charging towards me with its claw deployed and heated, I go for it head on. The claws attempted to go after my arms but I grabbed the MA by its front, gets under it, and give it shots from my chest CIWS, and throw it back to the Alliance fleet before it can explode and damaged any ships get caught in the blast.

"leonardo, send the analysed data on the MA to Minerva." 'Roger.' As I lined up my scope with the main battleship, who is also turning its main cannons towards me. I fired my rife to the bridge, causing it to explode. I then turned my attention to a surrounded and damaged Minerva, and shot down any Alliance units on my way back to Minerva.

That's when I saw Shinn in Sword Impluse and wrecking havoc among other Alliance ships. "Move Minerva! We will tear a path open for ya." "Un-understand!" As Minerva adjusted it's course and we destroying any Alliance vessels we can see.

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