(3) Rendezvous

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Another engagement, as expected. Calm before the storm, or Murphy's Law, whatever, not something I really had to care, what I now had to focus on is the 3 MS. Buster, Ranged support MS stole from EA project; Blitz, Stealth and sudden attacks; Duel, all round MS, prototype of the other MS of same project. I have to analyze their record and figure out something for myself, to adapt the battlefield. 

Record shows these guys are some elite units, so extra cares has to be made. The reason I didn't wants to take out all Mobius that went after me was because of this: who knows we will have another combat before the meet up. 

"I am new to this mess, so I will go get the Duel, you guys go after the rest — Oh, and I will update the coords of Blitz, just take that as a ref." "Wilco, thanks." "Leo-1, breakin'" I banked towards the duel and fired the twin repeater against it, who attempt to block with it's shields. 

Small explosions and sparks on the shield, the attack hit. but not to the MS as I expect that it can eventually break through the shield. With the blocking success, it rushed to me and fire it's rifle at me. With a few flicks on the sticks I dodged the shots. within close combat range, it draw its saber at the back and swing towards me. I fired another burst of repeater rounds as it is forced to fly upwards and caught into a dogfight with me.

With it caught a chance to speed up and it attempt to quick turn against me, I caught up with him with the boost, sticking onto it's back. It figured out I can't move up and down as good as him as I was flying a fighter not a MS. But as it do a quick stop and fly upwards, I pulled a half Kulbit with my small thrusters and my wings, trying to catch up.

A shot nearly grazed me, along with a couple of missile. The Buster made it's move to help its teammate. I switched to my QSS (Quick Start/Shut) thruster module, and have my ship pointed backwards for a brief moment, and sprayed my repeater towards the missiles, blasting all of them.

I immediately speed up to Buster and fired 2 Arc cannon rounds towards the Buster, who is slightly suprised. It flied upwards as I fly passed him. But as he aiming his gun at me, I spined my ship 180 and fly back. As it was wondering, 4 cannon rounds from a orange cylinder hit it in the back.

It turned around to meet Mobius Zero while I focused back on Duel who is geting close to Strike. "Kid behind you!" I shouted and pummel some repeater rounds towards Duel.

It barely dodged the first few shots but I hit it in the torso wit the last round. "Guardian, EA Fleet incoming." 'Good, then they should be retreating.' I then called out to the rest. "Fear not lads, the cavalry has arrived!"

As they looked, they see a couple of Ships approaching them. "Archangel, requesting permission to land." "You have the permission to land, Leo-1, welcoem back." "Hey, at lease I don't heave to deal with those selfish bastards for once."

As I came out of the cockpit the Mec gave me a light punch but then winched in pain, to my laughers: "My armor is nearly impenetrable, that's why I can pulled off the bad guy move, sorry about that, however." "It's fine, we are in the middle of a war but we don't go and held those we rescued as hostages."

As Archangel adjust itself and fly beside the flagship Menelaos, Mu tapped my shoulder. "The Admiral is coming, suggest you put on something... *gesture to my armor* more presentable." With a flash, I unequipped my armor, showing all of my robot limbs to everyone present. With another flash, I put on my black formal suit. I spread my hands to Mu as he scoff and said "show-off" I replied with a heartful laughter.

Kira then pop up from the Mobius Zero's cockpit to protest about his "duty" of checking up the MA, and the LT express his insecurity over the slightly damaged MA, to which I replied with a scoff: "Heh, if they ever come to us, I can take down most of them while you lads running around in the formation." "As if." "Damn it."

The kid meekly ask us about the condition of Strike, which the LT and I agree it would be better if we revert the OS and lower it's spec by a little. "Nah it's fine-" "However, I hope if a certain someone can still take control of it." 

We see Captain Ramius approached us. "Hey there." I waved. "Sorry, but can I speak to him in private?" "Yeah, sure. Hey Mu what do you want for the spec?" As I climb into the hatch and in the cockpit, unequiped my formal suit. "Nothing major, just some recalibration." "Alright..."

"There we go, try not be too reckless in combat will ya?" "Hey don't blame on me when you are busy with whoever you are facing." "Rog." 

The Captain catch up with us. "Sorry for helping us with the matters we have in hand, Mr. Shen." "Don't mention it, I may hate to fight against humans, even if they are argumented, I still has to defend myself and some crucial technology. That is for you guys, and for me as well. Anyway after meeting this Admiral, I might stay wit this ship is I could." "That would be very appreciated."

As the Admiral's transport ship approached, I stand at ease with the teens from Heliopolis. the Admiral quickly notice me, maybe because of my feauture. "Welcome, and thank your for helping this ship." "Thank you, figure I can do something for those who picked me up." "And these are the students who helped since Heliopolis, right? We have contacted your parents and all of them are alive and well." The studenst cheers a bit while his adjutant remind him of something, and the admiral bid us farewell and to have a small meeting with the officers.

Minutes later we are getting supplies and the civvies in the ship are boarding the transportation ship, Mardock is now checking the list. "Two Skygrasper? Atmosphere fighters?" "Woah, now you got  my attention there." We are going down?" "I don't know, are we?" "At least the LT is getting one for sure, I can transfer some of his flight data, but who can fly the other one?" "We also have a flghter simulator in the list of the supplies, we'll see who gets the highest score." "Nice, watch me at the top alright?" "Right — Hey kid!" I turned to notice Kira heading to the Strike. 

I get over to the boy. "Hey there kid, want to say something and we figure it out together?" The kid then told me about what happened from Heliopolis all the way to here. I can't stop to wonder the burden and the dilemma: His friends and his fellow Coords. I grip his shouldes. "Listen kid, I may not be able to understand your situation, but if you really in this, just try not to kill, disable them. Can I trust you to do that?" "Yes sir." "Good." as I head back to the ground level of the hanger "Remember the Murphy's Law!"

And a couple of minutes later I see Kira. in his casual wear and his friends, in uniforms, I get to them. "What do we have here? You lads are staying." The one with glasses spoke: "Well, my girlfirend decided to join the military, saying she doesn't want to sit back and want us to protect her, her father tired to stop her but she is quite stubborn on that matter." "Alright. Kira, kid, you want to leave?" "I-" The PA now have everyone on battle station, and I rushed to my ship.

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