(8) Fights at the Indian Ocean

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As we get to the Indian Ocean, the Heliopolis teens are excited to see the vast blue ocean again and here I was, reminiscing such things before the Fall, and the fights.

Part of the crew are checking out at the front deck, while I make my way to the middle, under the bridge, and lie my body in standby mode. A voice called out to me, I opened my eye to see Kira also at the middle deck. "How's the vast Indian Ocean? Fasincating right?" "Indeed." He looked at me as if trying to say something. Knowing he's wondering about the Desert Tiger, I patted him in the shoulder. "Don't worry, I only disabled him and see him off in a ZAFT jeep."

As we sit down on the deck and stare at the sky, the door opened and we see Cagalli came out, we waved at her who also waved back. As the three of us here, can't stop but to think about the Tiger after the fight. I see him off in a ZAFT jeep and none of the fighter bragged that they killed the Tiger himself in any sort, which might be a good news for us. Just maybe.

They started another talk between thermselves, which revealed that they met back in Heliopolis, the shock when he saw her as a girl, and when he shoved her into a pod. And me? I just pulled out my fishing rod and started fishing. Back then when i was a researcher, I tend to fish when I was taking day off.

My somehow emptied mind was interrupted by Sai and Flay. the lovebirds wants to hang out in a quiet place but the front decks is occupied by a good amount of crews already, and so the three of us leave the deck to leave the hardworking CIC operator and his girl some quality times.

The rest was cut shot when I received Radar appearance of 2 ZAFT Atmosphere MS DINN, as I drag Kira and hurried to the hangar. Mu and the mechanics, who alway trusted my guts, or my radars, all get ready for the fight.

We are readied when Level 2 Battlestation warning is raise, and within seconds it raised to Level 1. Strike is to provide fire support at the launch bay and so Launcher Grasper (Skygrasper 1) and the jumpship took off first, while Kira will leg it towards the edge of the launch bay behind us.

As we can get one for each, a unexpected explosion is within my earshot, while radar report sudden appearance of 2 red (enemy) dots, which ID'ed as ZAFT underwater MS GoohN, in respond to this, I have Da Vinci enabled the sonar module in combat whenever we are fighting in the middle of some seas.

Strike took a Bazooka, which is one of the stuff 8th sent us, and head into the water, as Mu and I deal with one DINN each. They are agile, probable because of the wings, but I have the ability to hover, so I can pause for a brief moment and return the shots. 

Mu has a hard time dealing with his DINN but the pilot didn't expect a Valiant railgun to the cockpit from the Archangel, the last DINN is not flying around, seemingly trying to buy some times for the last GoohN, with the other seemingly been dealt with by Strike.

As we go for the last one we shot both its wing off in a somewhat balanced way, allowing it to escape when seeing a underwater explosion took off. Another small room to breath, I assume.

Sai has to take care of the seasicked Flay, I temporary conneced Da Vinci into the CIC system to make their job a bit easier. Though Lt. Bargiruel isn't really too fond on it. Once again I stayed inside the jumpship to upgrade the sonar module.

At 50%, another contact is reported, 4 GoohN and a new ZAFT MS called ZnO. I speeded up my time on the conar module and upgrade the module just in time when it's my turn to take off under the alert of Level 1 Battlestation. 

There are only water-based MS, but Mu was sent out to sink their sunbarine, Cagalli as the escort, and I fly around Archangel, playing whack-a-mole with the MS if they ever poped up, also a good place for me to test out the sonar system, along with the Fast Magnetic Anomaly Detector (F-MAD) (SALVATION! CRISP WHITE SHEET! THE DEATH OF A MILLION IS A NECESSITY)

As I locked on to a GoohN, I hover around the area and fire my cannon the moment it poped up, and killing one. I dealt with another one with the same methon but I can't say the same with the rest. With the ZnO struggling with the Strike, I only have to fix my eye on the 2 GoohN. They wasn't really a problem as they tend to pop up at the stern or the bow of Archangel, circling the two places can really help and downed the last 2 of them. 

I trusted the two Skygrasper pilots to be capable of dealing with the sub so I landed back into Archangel and begin the calibration and minor adjustments.

Well, things went out of hand when the navigation module of Cagalli's skygrasper was damanged and she went MIA. As much as I want to conduit a night search, I couldn't risk it from nighht suprise attacks. 

Anyway it was good news from Kira that he found teh Skygrasper and Cagalli at morning, something happened when she was stranded but she refued to tell us about it.

In just hours later, we are under attack from the 4 stolen mechs again — Duel, Blitz, Aegis and Buster. They didn't want us to get away from all those things that has happened. We are requested for an emergency take off soon after, but since the ZAFT has a Guul flying platform, Strike is bounded to return fire on top of the Archangel while Mu and I fly out to meet the enemies. Their mobility proved to be a bit of a problem when they conduct hit-and-run tactics and get away on their Guuls

Duel, as always, set his eyes upon the strike, but Kira shot the platform, get over the sword swings, and kicked him into the ocean, Blitz tried to help but was also kicked into the ocean. With the two being dealt with temporary, I set my eyes upon the Buster while the two go after Aegis. I hacked into the independant Guul and detonate it, forcing Buster to aandon the Guul as I rammed his ass into the ocean. So having a tough armor and wery hard connect point can help you with some ramming actions. 

What we didn't realize is that we are getting close to the border(<<It's time>> V2 intensifies) Orb Union and they deploy their fleet to "meet" us with a long speech on how we shouldn't trespass their territory and will open fire if we don't blah blah blah. They expected us to go down like this.

Then it's a shocking reveal of Cagalli as the daughter of the current Orb leader Uzumi Nara Athha, and I backed her shouts toward the costal guard: "That was no act of neutrality, that was a act of cold-blood, with you dumb soldiers who always work your ass to the bloody T. If Archangel really crashed, I can really greet you in such way as I can abandon my afflication and went out for a revenge!"

the ship now force landed into the territorial water, to "counter" the invasion, the ship fired at the waters surrounding it, to confuse the ZAFT. As we docked into one of their inslands, I only hope if we can have a rest for a few days.

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