V2 - (6) Battle at Persian Gulf

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As we return to the hangar, we are greeted by the mechanics and the ither two pilots, who praised us for the feat of the destruction of 10 Alliance vessels, including 3 carriers. As we, the pilots, get back to the waiting room to store the suits, we begined to asking Shinn things. 

"Explain. You: 6, me: 4, the hell was that." "I dunno, when several Orb battleships fired upon us, I was really mad, and I thought 'I can't lost here', and there's... that." "So you was like... snapped?" Lunamaria spoke up. "Well... I don't really think so." "*Shrug*Technically speaking, it looks like that was the case, I don't know either." "Nevertheless, the both of you protected the ship. And the fact that you two are still breathing is something, meaning you gets to see how's tomorrow looks like." And Rey just left like that, leaving the three of us behind, he reminds me a lot like Cruset, but couldn't find the similarties besides having the same look, which I took a mental note of.

As we docked at Carpentaria, the crew gets to spend their times at the base or on the ship until further orders, effectively a R&R. On the first day Shinn guide me around the base, and I was happy to know that his family is doing well in PLANT during small talks. And the next I followed Rey to ther interior of the base, which he decided to play a bit of piano he saw lying around at a corner, and I offered himself as a sole audience.

"I don't know, but you remind of someone, maybe it was just my imagination, however." He paused. "May I know who you are referring to?" It actually took me some times to get my courage or sort to spew out my assumption: "Rau Le Cruset." "... Can I... tell you something?" "Sure, go ahead." "Actually, I am somewhat related to him." 

I was shocked and only respond after a few seconds. "Well that escalated quickly... May I know the brief details?" "Consider me as... a younger version of him, actually." Something immediate clicked into my mind. "Another clone of Al'?" "If you are referring to Al Da Flaga, then yes. However Mr. Cruset occasionally paid visit too." "I see. Well, I hold no grudges against you, for now." I shot him a glare. "*sigh* I understand-" "Wait, over there." I stopped him and pointed towards a MS docking on Minerva. "Let's go take a look, shall we?" "Of course." As we headed back towards Minerva.

When we get there we saw a new MS standing at the hangar, surrounded with mechanics and Shinn. "Who's that?" "Ah, Leonardo. It was Athrun, and he returned as a member of FAITH, ZAFT SpecOps." I was suprised not for his return, but in a new MS. "Also, since you was gone with Rey, there was a news a while ago, about how Representative Athha was in a wedding ceremony with Yuna Roma Seiran, but was abducted to god knows where." Shocking news/facts hit me twice this day.

I actually waited at the hanger to wait for him to come back, and gathering videos of the abduction, which was rumored that the Freedom and the Archangel were the culpits of the action, I was attempting to find videos about those and put em on loops, hopefully. "Hey, Lrodardo." There he comes. I waved and walks toward him. "After you left, the politicians really putted a lot of preassures on poor Cagalli. No offence but I was kinda expected her to be give up, but not in this rate. Hell, I even broke into their confrence room and gave them threats, sadly they didn't seems to care much about that." 

"*Chuckles* That sounds awfully like what you would do." "Damn right. Now, *look at his new MS* You come back with new toy, I see." We looked up to the new MS. "Yeah, ZGMF-X23S Savior, another transformable Mobile Suit." "It reminds you of the Aegis isn't it? The Red color scheme and the transformable part." "Quite." "Speaking about Aegis, how's Nicol? Heard that he plays good piano musics." "He was doing fine. He quitted military and choosed to focus on his music career, still plays good piano." "That was something really nice to hear."

"You seems spaced out a bit." "Technically, yes. I was finding video of the abduction of you-know-who, get it on loop so that I can get good laughs. The look on his face was hilarious to watch." "As much as I want to watch that, the rumors of Freedom and Archangel..." "Yup, it's true. Well, better than stuck with him anyways." "Indeed." 

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