V2 - (2) Troubles

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"Distance from Impluse to target is 1400, why did they stay on the course, are they planning something?" The XO of the ship murmured to himself when the Captain and Athrun realized something. "DECOY!" he shouted. "And thats, is why the crew in Archangel trust my warnings back then." I looked at him and Cagalli, then back at the screen.

As the ZAFT Ms are battling the 3 stolen MS, Bogey-1 circled behind us and fired laser cannons and shelling us with missiles. The captain is attempting to withdraw the dispatched MS and have the remaining units launched off.

Minerva is struggling with the constant bombardments from the left flank as they are still circling the giant asteroid, without a clear take off path, they couldn't sent out their reserves. The mysterious ship is firing indirect missiles towards Minerva. "Oi, they are trying to shell us with rocks, pull away!"

Too late, the rocks started shelling us, 2 thrusters damaged, Minerva want to sent out Rey Za Burrel's ZAKU? Gonna leg it. "Do we have any more Mobile Suits we can sent out?" "We don't have pilots for that!" The exchange between Chairman and the Captain sounds a bit fishy.

Athrun couldn't cope with the invisible preasure: "How many avaliable thrusters at the starboard?" "Six, we we couldn't get out blindly like that-" "Then we will use the thruster and a salvo towards the asteroid at the same time, push this ship out with explosions, along with the rocks."

When the preparations are completed, the risky move was made. Eh it worked, along with the impact caused by the explosions. Bogey-1 retreated, fine by me. I followed them to a living quarter.

"Ah, yes. We are saved by him not long ago, right, Captain?" The chairman interrupted Athurn when he was about to get back to the living quarter. "Ah... indeed." "The calls from someone who has been thought a lot of battles." "*Clear throats* I would like to have you know that I once boarded and wiped out a battleship long time ago, and I very much hope not to warm myself up for that, before things get... complicated." "Of course, my apologies."

Some times later Athrun rest on the cafeteria, with me trying to talked him out. He couldn't get things 2 years ago out of his head, I suppose. The goddamn Chairman keep bringing up things from the damn past. The pilots and the CIC operator entered the cafeteria, as I waved my hand slightly. They decided to keep walk along the hallway when seeing us talking things out.

The Chairman called Cagalli, Athrun and me the next day, saying the large chunk of Junius-7 is moving towards Earth and fast, something is going on. We are supposed to get picked up by a ship from Armory 1 and head back to Orb, but it seems that fate has other plans for us. "So how are we gonna blow it into pieces and hope the atmosphere is hot enough to burn em out?" "You get catch on real quick, Mr. Shen. We has already dispatched a team to carry drills to shatter it into pieces, and the Minerva and her MS will escorting them team until the work is finished."

After the meeting I decided that I will stick with Cagalli and Athrun for the time being, and we just so happened to pass the cafeteria and a young mechanic said how it's descend is inevitable and how it can "clear the weird confusion up clean". Right before he could countinute I barged into the cafeteria. "Ex-fucking-cuse me kiddo," I looked at him as if looking at a retard. "This is a destruction of a planet we are talking abou here, along with the possible death of billions, and what the hell was that? 'Inevitable'? 'Clear the weird confusion up clean'? Wow. *Turned back at the duo and pointed my thumb behind* Where the hell do I begin, or do we just leave them alone? For god sake if everyone in ZAFT are like that then it's fucked, worse then the 'Coordinator vs Naturals' bulls."

"I was joking, sir." Kid trying to explain himself and backfired. "JOKING? YOU TELLING ME IT WAS A FUCKING JOKE? THERE IS A FINE DAMN LINE BETWEEN JOKING AND BEING AN ASSHOLE,  GUESS WHICH ONE YOU WAS ON KIDDO!" With that, I stomped outside.

As much as I hate such extremist speeches, I can't just sit there and watch, doing nothing isn't something I do. Not a suprise to see Athrun share the same thoughts as I met him in the hallway. "Ah, may I ask waht do you want, Mr. Shen, and Athrun, or, Alex?" "I know this might be a unreasonable request, but can you lend me a Mobile Suit?"

"Sitting back from a happening catastrophe isn't something I do, I'm going out with him. Oh wait, I don't need your permission, ha. And before you say anything, we are ex-military combatants, we don't get to sit and watch something happen, especially we are damn certain that we can miniumize the damage or even prevent it from happening."

With the exemption authority from the Chairman, Athrun is allowed to take one out. My MS is a bot too small so I will hold onto Athrun's ZAKU and called it out. "Hey, don't get throw out from the boost during launch." "Don't worry Athrun, I know what I am doing. And I have a small booster pack behind me, look!" As I make small movements with the booster.

As I cling myself into Athrun's ZAKU and being sent into the launch deck, it stopped. "Launch interrupted. Situation updated: Joule squad is under attacked by unknown units in Junius-7. All Mobile Suits are to change into Anti-MS combat gears." "Joule... hey Athrun, is he..." "Yeah, I am afraid so, Yzak Joule, the one who piloted Duel during the war."

As Athrun is about to launch and equipped with a missile pack, I moved to the front camera (the head), gave him a thumbs up, and back to the arm, where I will hold onto during the launch. "Athrun Zala," "Leonardo Shen," "ZAKU, taking off!"

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