V2 - (18) Finale

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"Well, there's no going back, now that they send the Requiem firing again. Just tell me when you are ready, I am going to deal with it." Granted, I took off to pay the Requiem a visit. Moon is not some strange place for me, so I choose to ride on my Sparrow to advoid unwanted attention, my small figure also helped to reduce detection on radar.

As I reached what I assume is the firing port of Requiem, it's hatch was closed. I can't rip it a part because it open inwards and it has a weird way to open the hatch, which to lower itself to a point and it will open itself. So I havce to look around for a opening. So I decided to call out to my Jumpship, if the defensive system is online they should be sending MS after me, a process which requied them to open the hangar hatch, perfect.

Minutes after I called out, the turrent begin to rose from their hidden positions, along with the hangar platforms, just as I planned. Without hestiation I fly the jumpship to one of the closest hangar, while taking out 2 Zaku by suprise. I charged into the base with my Riskrunner SMG and blast my way to the control room, only to find it being remote controlled by a ZAFT device.

If I want to take it out once and for all, the destruction of the machine is not enough, I also need to destroy it's power core for a total destruction, which according to the terminal, is located at the bottom. I have Da Vinci updated my map and mark the location of the core, as I venture deeper into the facility.

Pockets of small resistance has been encountered, and dealt with. As I reach the core area, I looked up to see a massive core and several cooling system. As that particular moment I already know that I have to destroy the cooling system, cause a meltdown, and take it down for good., so I begin to plant explosives around the wakest part of the cooling system and get out before I press the trigger.

Before I leave the core system I leave a barrier at the exit, stopping anyone from advancing further inside. I traced back the path to the control area and open the hatch of Requiem. As I jumped out of the control room and hop inside of my sawned Jumpship, I look to see my Radar showing a mixed fleet of Orb, Alliance, and ZAFT ships fighting ZAFT vessels. So they've rallied everyone on their hands for the big fight.

As I emerge from the Requiem and trigger the explosives, I was contacted by the Orb Izumo-class captain. "Mr Leonardo! We have came to distract them from the outside, now all we have to do is to push the line back!" "Understand. Everyone, let's fight for our freedom and for our independence!" ""Roger!"" As I spearhead the assault on the  ZAFT Lunar fleet.

A significalt amount of Lunar fleet has been dispatched to the Station One of the Requiem, where the Eternal and Archangel is also heading, according to the captain. So if I trigger the bombs now, they will immediately turned back and come towards us, so I have to count my time and trigger the bomb. And that makes me here, dealing with the remaining fleet and wreck havoc upon them, waiting for the time to trigger the explosives.

I changed into my Jumpship for better maneuvers and disabling multiple hostile ZAFT units at their flanks. Little by little, their defence team is failing apart, I don't mind giving them a hand at this rate. As I press the button, a loud *boom* can be heard from Requiem, as it explode into pieces.

I spinned for a brief moment and went off to strike fast before they recover from the shock and confusion. I already disabled 2 ship and 10 Zakus before they recover. As I was about to rally for a another run, my radar was beeping like crazy and brought up a visual of a moving fortress that resemble Jacqin Due, what alert me was a enhanced visual of a minaturized version of Genesis.

"This is Leonardo, break, break! Sighting of a massive ZAFT mobile fortress with minatures Genesis mounted, get out of it's way!" "Roger, evade and scatter!" The weapon fired its shot before the whole fleet evaded, but we managed to save most of the fleet.

4 dots appearing on my rader — Legend, Destiny, Justice, Freedom. I decided to step out of their fight and focus on lesser targets, shooting down anything coming towards the Orb-Alliance-ZAFT mixed fleet, along with the remaining squadrons. This time I go with my Multi-tool and my shield, considering how we are in a mess now.

I utilize my standard arsenal pack which are my CIWS and my railgun. Dealing with swarms of enemies, not like I haven't try that before, damn Hives, both regular and Taken alike, now I can finally use what I've learnt from them: Keep distance, look surrounding, and shoot whoever is the closest to you.

As I fight througt the mass, I encountered Impulse and the orange Gouf. Shinn got Destiny, while Rey got Legend, so this leave Lunamaria. Things got complicated. With a firm grip, I dash towards the two and fire my shots on their limbs. Both can dodge a few shots but they eventually caught in my sight.

As I tap the trigger twice, they both lost their left arm. I dashed forward, hold Impulse by it's side, and rip it's right arm off, I immediate turned and blocked the Gouf 4-barrel beam cannon burst. I responed with my CIWS aiming at it's head camera, thus destroyed it.

"Alright, stay down you two, until the end of the fight." As I threw a beacon towards the two, transmitting at my own frequency, and leaving the two alone. I have a fight to continute, after all.

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