V2 - (11) Talks

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Sometimes I really wish that we can stop moving from places to places, things get bored. The pilots sat down at the gathering room, about the whole clusterfuck. As a Guardian it would be best for me to cease unnessary blood sheds, but in my POV, there are always people who are beyond that. They stepped over the line, and they had to pay deeply for that. I'm not sliding with ZAFT or sort, the whole "Alliance bad" thing is completely based on my experience with the Earth Alliance, voth during '71 and my current stay here.

"The Archangel and Freedom... Leonardo, what do you think?" I got back up from my thoughts. "Me? Well, I am trying my best to avoid bloodshed on Orb, and showing absolute ne mercy on Alliance troops in extreme cases. However, they are trying to stop the whole war from uh, talks and disabling everyone. Politics talks is pain in the ass, yes, but as Sun Tzy said, "Supreme excellence consist of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." The current situation is definitely not the case, but the least we can do it to keep the casualties to the minimum."

Athrun leave the gang for a talk with the Captain, while Rey wants to see Freedom's record. "Don't kill him, or I will be very mad." his respond was a waving hand.

Minutes later Athrun asked me for a private talk just outside. "I want to meet with Archangel, see what they're up to. I've got the Captain's permission, and yours as well." "Well, sure thing, it's been quite a while after our departure from Orb."  And just like that, we departured from Minerva.

As Athrun drove me across a bay, we encountered Miriallia, CIC of the Archangel at '71, now a freelance journalist. I waved as Athrun shouted her name, causing her to look back to us. We sat down in a cafe near the harbour later. "So this is your new look, Leonardo." "Well, you could say that, even thought this is what I used to look like." "So what happened?" "Well, things happened, after waht happened back at Dardanelles, we wish to link up with the crew, figuring what they are up to, in this huge clusterfuck." "I see. Well,  as long as you two come on your own, I am fine with that."

We received news at noon, next day. They are willing to meet us at a ruins nearby. And that's where Athrun and I will be heading to. Not five minutes on our flight Leonardo infored me of a tail behind our back. Without second thoughts I activated my jammer, and forwarded the notice to Savior too, as we both speed up to get it off us.

As we got there, we saw Freedom at the bottom of the cliff, and Miriallia's jeep near the ruins. Savior landed at the ruins, while I hover for a moment before calling the jumpship/MS back. I was greeted with Kira and Cagalli alone. "Hey there." I waved. "Good to see you two after the mess back there." "The pleasure is mine, Leonardo." Kira then gazed on the Savior, noticing the familiar with the MS. "So you are the pilot..." Athrun confirmed that, not really some sort of secret, really.

"However... why did you guys intervened? The battlefield enrupted into chaos because of that. We are all working out best to minimum the deaths, but still! What's wrong with you?" I shrugged to Athrun's rants. "Well, after your intervention, all side are into a state of confustion, even after the fight. Jump into the fight and right out attack everyone? Sheesh. I know you guys want to be neutral or some soft but damn...!"

I yelled in frustration. "Argh! Face the reality, miss! Orb is no loger in your control and the only thing you can pray, is there are still sane people in the expeditionary fleet who will follow you after we forced the fleet to abandon ship and defect or sort." 

"So... why did you come for us then, if you are now with ZAFT?" "Because I want to stop you from doing that/Cuz I want to figure out what the hell are you doing!" Is our retorts. "Alliance is the one restarted the war, and ZAFT is doing their best defend themselves and the Earth against the Alliance!" Athrun blurted out. "...Is that so? Do you really think Chairman Durandal is actually doing his thing for human's good?" 

"Well, " I responded to Kira's weird question. "The Chairman is fishy, but 1) I can't just said that on his face without proofs and leave, 2) My main op is to watch over him in case he do anything stupid. Chairman? Meh, he's on my watchlist for now, final results may vary."

"Well, I know this might be a shocking news, but... Lacus was caught in a assissnation attempt by Coordinators." Arthun is shocked, while my expression turned serious. "This is a very important issue we are now dealing with here, is it true?" Upon a firm confirmation from Kira, I exressed my thoughts: "The Chairman is striving for peace, yes, but he want's more to that, which is clearly away from true peace, so he make a fake one as he attempted to have the real one wiped. His exact aim? I don't know." 

I continuted after a deep breath. "However, after the sudden intervetion, I really suggest you to head back to Orb and retake the leadership. You know what they always said, aim for the head. Kira's shot damaged Minerva, ZAFT's newest and their pride or something, in a way, this make you enemy of all side. I usually I would suggets people to stay low or go somewhere else, but since three ace pilots are here, I don't see the reason for that now."

"...Why? Why don't you come back to us then?" "Well, we can't do that now, it's that easy. We are some sort of ace among them. And we can't just go away like that. For him that is. As for me? I can leave if I caught him in the act. No offence, Athrun." "None taken." "We ain't be gone forever, just so you know, but seeing Orb like this now? No thanks. Either way we'll be working things out on our side, so wish we luck.Oh and we will uphold your 'tradition' of disabling frenzy on Orb before you ask. I ain't showing mercy to someone who literally launched a nuke missile barrage."

"*Sigh* So be it. Take care, and hope we shall reunion on friendlier terms." "But Kira-" He hold on her shoulder. "They are also doing their best to stop this, albeit the Alliance bloodsheds." I bro-hugged Kira. "Don't get killed, that's all I ask for." "I should be saying the same to you." And with that, Savior and Holdfast took off, on their course to rendezvous with Minerva, which we just found out that they are conducting a scouting on a Alliance facility.

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