(18) The fight to end all war...?

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As we get out there the fight has already begun, and we leave Justice and Blitz to deal with Raider and Forbidden alone. We throw oureslves into battle immediately. "The Raider is pretty agile in his MA mode when dodging, with the armaments, maybe we should throw him a couple of shots when his was in his MS mode as get get to mid-close range. Forbiddn... his curving cannon and beam reflector is quite a problem, we need a few slashes to disable that to gain the upperhand, or throw your Close weaponary to him when he gets close." I tried to analyze the MS and gave them suggetsions. It's not much but it's honest works.

The three Nazca-class are approaching, we cannot deal with both of them at the same time, so we has to push Dominion back before ZAFT get close. Howeverm to our suprise, Rau made an announcement, which I intercepted: "To the Earth Alliance Archangel-class vessel, we would like to return a captive before the fight." and they sent out a lifepod. I get close to the pod and saw Flay Allster inside. 

I moved towards the pod. "Hey there Flay, it's been a long time." "Mr... Leonardo?" "That's right, I'm the MS in black, uh I have to get a firm hold on you, brace yourself!" As I cahnged into MA mode and grab her by my claws. "Captain, the captive is Flay Allster, hope ya don't mind I snagged her from you. *Change radio freq* I need reinforcement here, don't let them get close to me!" "Understand!" as Kira moved in to escort me back to Archangel. 

They began firing towards Kusanagi and Eternal, and I wasn't even close to the ship yet. When I am close I let go of it, changed back to MS mode, and take it back to the hangar. "sai, your girl is inside the pod, come down here." And I leave the rest to the mechanics, we still have a war to fight.

Duel and GINNs was launched from the ZAFT ships and heading towards us, Buster and I are dealing with them, I don't think Nicol is prepared for this so I have Blitz against the Alliance with others, as I believe that me and Buster, with just a couple of M1s, can deal with them.

I moved into a formation with my MA form and literally drill holes into their foramtions, after firing cannons towards them. "We are about to focus our fire on Vesalius and tear a hole in their formation, requesting assistants." "Jesus Miss Clyne you sure think bold aren't ya? Alright, I'll move in!" As I spearhead the assault I has to remain MS mode to deal with incoming from all sides. Eventually when their forces are depleted (except Duel), I can fired a shot right into the hangar, making the ship explode. And with that, we moved towards the open space.

Now that the Heliopolis gang except the communicator Kuzzey are reunited, pretty sure their morale is boosted a bit. As we gathered on the bridge, she told her story at Alaska, how she was abducted by Rau and his crazy plan of "the Key to win the war". Granted, I inspect the key, only to find it contain data regarding Justice and Freedom, along with the Neutron Jammer Canceller, of course. Bastard wanted to plunge the world back into nukes and shits. As  I told them about the data, they all agree that we should destroy it as I put a tiny timed IED on it with some of the gunsmith kit and throw it out from the side door. 

We watched at the IED detonate, along with data. This may not be a large bomb but it was sorta beautiful. We try to take some rest and leaving Sai and Flay alone to have some private time, and Kira, who is still not getting over with what happened back there.

We received report and news about a fight at ZAFT space fortress Boaz. And they used something that looks like a nuke to wipe it out. We know it isn't, considering that the Neutron Jammer is still up, plus there no radiations detected at Boaz, according to our spies/informants.

"A non-nuclear bomb that can nearly resemble the might of a real nuke... maybe they compressed a few tons of MOAB into a nuke missile?" That sound stupid but that's something we can think of, before I can get close and scan the surroundings. The Archangel, Kusanagi and Eternal are now heading out to Jacqin Due, for what might be the last battle to end the war, when both ZAFT and the Alliance unleashed a all-out attack.

When we are close, all special MS are taking off: Justice, Freedom, Strike, Aegis Schwarz, Buster and Blitz. The 2 nuke gundam got a new toy called Meteor, with extra missile pods, beam cannons, we are pretty sure we can stop the missiles from landing hits on PLANT.

With their extra boosters, Meteor Freedom and Justice took off in a high speed, spearheading the defence coming from our side. When the rest (me included) get to the battelfield, we see Kira and Athrun already dealt with the first wave of missiles. I don't give a fuck when I move in to run a scan on the missile... I was damn right, they literally compressed tons of MOAB into a single space cruise missile.

the ZAFT are retreating while a large dish object, which the databse see it as GENESIS appeared behind Jacqin Due. "Get away from that thing, move!" Possible the first time I hear from the Duel's pilot, It's shining as we getting away to a somewhat safe distance. GENESIS then let out a big shot, causing everying get caught in the shot are destroyed.  All side looked at that thing with shock. We have no choice but to temoprary retreat. I have seen a lot of things, many shits being blasted into tiny pieces definitely isn't one of them.

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