V2 - (9) End of Vacation

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"Good morning, Heine. You too, Rey" I was suprised to saw the two of them to get up and already finished their breakfasts. After received the replies from the two I decided to sit down at the table right next to them, and begun to enjoying my breakfasts for my taste buds.. Not sooner we saw Lunamaria and Shinn walking together, and the girl seems to having issue.

Heine called out to them ask asked about Athrun. "I believe Commander is still at his room-" We are cutted off by a sight of "Lacus" hugging Athrun's arm, and thinking backwhat Lunamaria said, I chuckled: "Still at him room, eh? Then I suppose he is very tired." Heine also understood something as well: "I see, thank you." As he stood up and greeted "Lacus". After an exanges of pleasantries, she was asked away by her producers for today's schedule. 

"I would like to confirm something... *looked at Shinn* You are the pilot of Impulse, right?" After the positive feedback he then point to the rest of us, naming the Mobile Suits we use. "*Pointed to Shinn * Impulse, *to Lunamaria* ZAKU Warrior, *to Athrun* Savior, *to Rey* Blaze ZAKU Phantom, *to me, who is behind Rey and looking at him* and a Custom Mobile Suit I assume?" "That's pretty much correct, why?" "*Sigh* And yet, the Chairman wants to put me in a ship with such pilots."

This news suprised us all. "That counts 3 FAITH members on board Minerva, but Athrun still act as field commander no?" I looked at him. "I have no objection with that. But still, putting me on Minerva, what was he thinking." "He placed his bets on us, and the ship, I assume. And this is the closest I can think of." "That might be right. Well, no point overthinking it, we just care where they will be sending us, that's all it matter for now. We'll just have to do our best in due time." "That would be correct." As the two FAITH member shared a salute.

Rey wished to be alone so he went back to Minerva as the rest of us went with Athrun to see "Lacus" off. "Good, now what are we going to do for the rest of the day?" As the girl stormed off. Someone's Jealous, I see. Her rants were absolutely hilarious. He sent Shinn as us off as he want to deal with Lunamaria herself. "So, I will be heading back to the ship. You, Shinn?" "Me? Ah, well, I would like to have a ride around the place." "That would be a nice idea, I just come back from the ride yesterday before meeting you guys. The feeling when the sea breezes hitting your face lightly, just right there." "I see, thanks for the suggestion, at least I know how to plan my route." "Nice."

As Athrun and I head back to the ship, I was informed by Leonardo that the MIDA Underwater-Tool is completed. And I have to take it out for test and calibrations. So I made a take-off request to the Captain. Granted and provided with some underwater dummies, I head out, dump them to the sea with a certain distance, and I dive in as well. It takes time to load my smart grenade launcher, but that is made for long range and/or agile targets so that wouldn't be much a problem with me.

As I went back ashore I take out my tablet, connect it to my Mobile Suit and the Underwater-Tool to begin the recalibration. Gotta admit, A big hand holding screwdriver and wrench is somewhat funny. 

As I finish the calibration it was already night, and now this gun can shoot both underwater AND on land, same with the smart grenade, so I have it renamed as MIDA Special-Tool. I saw Shinn and Athurn getting out of a jeep so I asked them the reasons, turns out he saved a girl from dropped into the water, picked her up, and treated her. Athrun, noticing him gone missing, find him and the girl and they just so happened to find her friends.

The next day will be the official transfer of Heine, his Mobile Suit being transported to Minerva, and he came onboard and greet the Captain and the pilots, me included. He quite insisted that the rest refer to him by his name, as a carefree fellow he is, that and he focus on the relation between his subordinated rather than commands. "Eh, I don't have to be bothered by such thing. One, I'm also not a person with formalities unless needed; Two, I am in quite a special position; Third, with Athrun's trust and him vouching for me, I can pretty much go wherever I feel need on the battlefield. The bonds on the battlefield, you can say." 

"I see, that's nice, I hope I can trust you like that." "Sure, just dbe yourself around me." Athrun chuclked a bit. "You two seems close, even just met two days ago." "Of course, we are similar in many ways."

At night, Heine, Athrun and I was called to the bridge by Captain Gladys, about a possible Alliance attack towards either Gibraltar or come to us. "Either way, we will be placed at our first defensive line at here, in Dardanelles Strait." "I understood, but why was I summoned to the bridge too?" "That's the problem, among the oncoming fleet, is a portion of Orb fleet." Athrun was suprised, but I wasn't. With Cagalli gone, the pro-Alliance faction will take over, and it's really a matter of time unti they join the war officially. The only thing I can do in the upcoming fight is to disable as many of them as I can. Athrun let out a loud sign and aggreed with me, as I explained the situation in Orb now with the "missing" of Cagalli and my thoughts.

And now, we wait for the battle to begin.

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